nickg » user profile

Member Since | 23/05/2016 |
Last Seen | 19/01/2025 |
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Don't listen to this winger OP, he cant take the harsh reality that people dont like smokers and don't want to breath in their dirty second…

Well perhaps the OP should get a copy of the by-laws and see if the new model by laws have been adopted. If the smoking nuisance bylaw has…

This is wrong, so wrong.

[@bobbified](/comment/5814000/redir): You are making an argument that it is a slippery slope. I am disagreeing with you, the regs around…

By Laws are not drawn up on a whim, considerable thought, effort and debate goes into them. People have a right to have a smoke free…

Guessing you are not up to date date with Strata law

This is a terrible answer. There have been regulations passed specifically to deal with situations like this. Hassle your Strata.

[@tshow](/comment/5791555/redir): On the contrary, you seem to feel entitled to squeal about your simplistic Econ 101 ideas on the…

[@tshow](/comment/5791054/redir): Yeah no need to join a union if you don't have a job.

Must be hard for you going through life taking everything you read literally. Seems like you have a bit of a ‘chip on your shoulder’.

Economics 101, too bad you didn't go any further

nickg commented on National Child Care Workers Strike
I think the OP and many others on this forum are paid way too much, probably in some sort of rent seeking industry. Can we strike to have…

nickg replied to
lung on Found $150 in The Office, Handed to Receptionist, and Owner Got It Back, but Did Not Leave "Finders Fee"

shut up, its our right

nickg replied to
goegge on Found $150 in The Office, Handed to Receptionist, and Owner Got It Back, but Did Not Leave "Finders Fee"

George please read what you have written and have another think about it. Not paying the Sydney Airport Access fee = stealing from the…

nickg commented on Found $150 in The Office, Handed to Receptionist, and Owner Got It Back, but Did Not Leave "Finders Fee"
The OP is not only a tight arse but is whinging that things here are not like back home. Total lack of insight, but then that sums up many…

nickg commented on What Do You Keep in Your Car?

Ask Maquarie bank

$20 off $200 for half an hour, I guess it's better than nothing.

These low value deals for junk items clog the front page, please stop.

nickg commented on SONY 4K UHD TV 43"- $999, 55" X9300E - $1799 @ Sony Online Store via EB Games Targeted Offer
If anyone has a spare code and wants to throw it my way?? Would be very much appreciated!

nickg replied to
Diji1 on PNY GTX 1080 XLR8 OC Video Card €410 (~ $599 AUD) Delivered @ Amazon France

Low ballers are scum

nickg joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!