aisling » user profile

Member Since | 29/12/2015 |
Last Seen | 01/02/2024 |
Location | VIC |
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Herein lies the problem - no one misses them.

Don't pretend you read the article either. If you read the article you would know that following your cherry-picked paragraph, the authors…

What lies you spread, so blatantly untrue. COVID-19 related deaths are still being reported in Australia, even if it isn't front page news…

I actually have some respect, tinged with pity for this person. Beyond a certain threshold of comfort & necessity, all extra money is just…

There's not much you can do (short of getting them to never have human contact again) except ride it out. From all the comments below from…

aisling commented on Is It a Crime to Keep Wrongly Delivered Parcels?
It's a test of their character.... And they failed :( But in this case, unless it's a one-of-kind item, it is pretty much as close to a…

aisling replied to
MrFunSocks on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

> then you pretended that social media sites weren’t censoring and banning anything that said government deemed “negative” about the…

aisling replied to
MrFunSocks on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

Socks, there is no point continuing this debate in bad faith. Context and nuance matter, unverifiable claims do not. An online search…

aisling replied to
aisling on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

I was downvoted! Guess that confirms there are literal Nazis in this thread :/

aisling replied to
MrFunSocks on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

Video evidence? Oh you mean a single cherry-picked 6-second sound bite? Where Biden clearly went on a ramble and got lost in his own point?…

aisling replied to
OzBarAnon on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

No that's not true. This is quite off-topic but: 1. The police do not have carte blanche to do whatever they want to enforce a law. Doing…

aisling replied to
OzBarAnon on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

If current laws are not effective, why don't you want to change them? Only fools repeat the same things over and over, expecting to obtain…

aisling replied to
qaz182 on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

The people who banned Mein Kampf

aisling replied to
[Deactivated] on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

Hi StiffHindQuarters, that is an excellent point that I agree should be incorporated into this bill, or perhaps a suite of new legislation…

aisling replied to
xdigger on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

Objection - irrelevant speculation

aisling replied to
[Deactivated] on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

*facepalm* This whole thread is about a government effort to make sure that people are involved in the administrative processes!!!! They…

aisling replied to
aisling on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

Oops meant unity in enmity, of course ;)

aisling replied to
duluxe2000 on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

Just trying to figure out what your point is. Is it really the govt's fault your mobile number got leaked to scammers ? Why aren't you…

aisling replied to
Windows98 on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

Agreed 100%. This thread needs moderation. But some will cry censorship. >Imo the biggest problem about the information online is that…

aisling replied to
brendanm on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

Nope hard pass. Got my award, job done :)

aisling replied to
brendanm on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

Awww thanks for my award!! For cornering you into a lack of an intelligible response, I gladly accept :)

aisling replied to
MrFunSocks on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

Can you please shut it with your "I'm pro-vaccination but..." Reminiscent of the classic "I'm not racist but..." You just know that the…

aisling replied to
caitsith01 on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

So true. Especially point 3. If you cannot abide censorship in any form, at least let us unite against our enmity of vast untaxable…

aisling replied to
brendanm on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

No it doesn't silence anyone at all. You go can to the usual outlets like TV, newspapers, A Current Affair etc to run your brainfarts past…

aisling replied to
Gekov on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

Don't worry Gekov, you can still say whatever you want on TV, on radio and in private messages That is, if any TV station will have you on…

aisling replied to
Aleigh123 on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

Maybe then the bill would have achieved its purpose then? To make people think twice before reposting random b**s*** they see online and…

aisling replied to
jedimaster on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

Haha with that second line I'm sure it was not at all similar! Thanks for the belly laugh

aisling replied to
burningrage on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

All vaccinations have risks and benefits. All medications have risks and benefits. Heck, living itself has risks and benefits (actually,…

aisling replied to
ssfps on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

No in fact, I have not said that. Please do not disseminate misinformation and misuse of the term "strawman hypothetical", whilst…

aisling replied to
ssfps on ACMA - New Bill to Stop What They Think Is Misinformation and Disinformation Online

Are you the person who will stand up for the rights of the callous teenager cyberbullying her schoolmates? Or for the new-age health guru…