Ocelot5 » user profile

Member Since | 03/12/2015 |
Last Seen | 12/09/2021 |
Badges | 1 |
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Update: I returned their bins and hoop I have spoken to them. They have agreed to not put the bins in front of my house but that the…

I'm clearly doing this *Have you thought of booby trapping your bin. Not dangerously. Think the lid opens and smelly liquid is ejected.…

How am i roasted. I got some good advice to act on. and had enough of the same bullshit telling me to alpha stare them or steal their bins.

me too.... He's definitely the bad guy in all this

Wow that's unreal. yeah the parking isn't the worst thing. It's constantly seeing bins outside my property that pisses me off. I guess…

I'm 10-15 years younger than them. Ive expressed my unhappiness about the trash being in my yard before.

Own I don't know why they do it. It makes no sense to me. I'm heavily considering a fence my street frontage is 25m id need a few trailers

They know, Ive moved the bins before. And I got upset with one of them once about trash in my yard from their unsealed bin

I would not say they are feral. Just inconsiderate and selfish. Obviously I would not plan to have a confrontation. That will benefit no…

No I just leave it. it is on the council land outside my house. I just step in it every so often

seek help

I'm pretty sure everything they are doing is lawful. A. I might just do this. Its going to be an expensive fence and I'll need a surveyor…

I'm not, the report was unrelated to any of my current neighbors. I'm still at the ignore and hope they gain empathy stage..

Creative... But I'm pretty sure they will just think I took it. Not to mention one of them is usually home during the day

I don't know I would go so far as to call them feral. Just really entitled and inconsiderate. I think you are correct, the biggest problem…

I really want to avoid reporting to council. I don't like doing it Ive only ever reported one person before (unrelated) and that because I…

I feel your pain. I would be nice if people had a bit of empathy for others. Worst thing is its a nice area, I stretched my budget and…

I feel like this is the best course of action to prevent a neighborhood war but part of me just cant let it go. Perhaps I am too stubborn.…

It's rude to do so without asking & they don't bag their rubbish correctly. Makes a mess If I got that letter I would assume that somebody…

I don't think anybody really cares about Glyphosate. All my neighbors use it like crazy.

*Have you tried using a really bad smelling fertilizer in your garden? :)* Yes, don't think it stops the kids *You can park in-front of…

I don't have too much to do with them, I really do keep to myself. I would say neutral. They're pretty loud and have parties and stuff, but…

No being PC, just don't think it has anything to do with it. It's def not a cultural thing. I agree, In that nobody wants their living…

I have considered installing a fence, but its a good 20-25m frontage. It would be expensive, and possibly unsightly. As for the dog poo I…

No they're not, I really don't think ethnicity has anything to do with it.

Won't this just escalate into a neighborhood war? I guarantee they have a lot more time on their hands than I do. The last thing I want is…

Ocelot5 posted a forum topic Are My Neighbours Inconsiderate or Am I Intolerant?
*Long time reader first time poster* I feel like I am becoming more and more intolerant and my neighbors are really starting to annoy me.…

*No man with crushed or severed genitals may enter the assembly of the LORD.* Deuteronomy 23:1

Ocelot5 replied to
manlet123 on Kogan Full RGB Mechanical Keyboard (Outemu Red or Brown Switch) $39 Delivered @ Kogan

The ten keyless is actually a generic version of the Armaggeddon MKA-3. I've looked at both drivers and they are virtually the same with…