rdefonseka » user profile

Member Since 03/12/2015
Last Seen 21/02/2025
Location Perth

Recent Activities

I went in store to Chemist Warehouse
04/09/2022 - 18:52
when do you see the free month ? I am at the credit card page and it still says 7 days
02/06/2022 - 17:27
Vegemite and cheese - this would be a good handover cure - good hit of Vitamin B (edit and fat :) )
11/10/2021 - 18:12
Noob question - what happens to programs and data on my PC ? Google says it's all gone
24/10/2020 - 16:02
or LP - however that would show my age lol
13/03/2020 - 12:25
Elder Scrolls Online
08/03/2020 - 00:55
I feel stupid asking but the local JB would not sell for the discounted price. How can I get the discount ?
04/02/2020 - 19:48
Do EB test the console in store ? What should I do with my OG Console before taking into store. I’m thinking just log out in case…
08/10/2019 - 09:12
Soo tempted to do this - thanks OP If I replace my Ps4 what's the process to get all my games back once logged in to PSN ? I have a load of…
07/10/2019 - 16:50
JB Hifi have PS4 deals now..the 500G model is more expensive than the 1TB. Am I missing something ?…
04/12/2015 - 12:19
rdefonseka joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
03/12/2015 - 13:40