Jakomo » user profile

Status | In Penalty Box. |
Member Since | 03/12/2015 |
Last Seen | 03/12/2015 |
Recent Activities

Jakomo replied to
puztin on DickSmith 'Mammoth' Sale: 60-70% off Audio, 30-70% off Blu-Ray Players & PVR, up to 80% off Security

I cannot comment on the S7000 but the UE Boom (1st gen) has been out of stock for months. The distribution centre has not received any for…

Jakomo replied to
02LyW on DickSmith 'Mammoth' Sale: 60-70% off Audio, 30-70% off Blu-Ray Players & PVR, up to 80% off Security

If you can find some new stock, go for it. Be careful about the display models, most of these have been running way past the 5,000 hours…

Jakomo replied to
natedogg118 on Dick Smith Clearance Day 2: TVs, Tablets, Smartphones, PCs, Printers, Apple, DECT

These are still active products, and the company is only clearing the end of life or discontinued lines. The goods deals were brand new…

Jakomo replied to
watty on DickSmith 'Mammoth' Sale: 60-70% off Audio, 30-70% off Blu-Ray Players & PVR, up to 80% off Security

Chris Fleming (director of retail stores) stated yesterday that there will be nothing new on Saturday. All the clearance is launching…

Jakomo joined OzBargain.
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