pete85 » user profile

Member Since | 13/11/2015 |
Last Seen | 05/12/2015 |
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Tell them its not good enough and give them a negative review. They might change their mind.

pete85 commented on Nikon D3300 Digital SLR with 18-55mm Single VR-II Lens Kit $298 After $100 Cashback @ Officeworks
Has anyone received their 100 dollar cash back from Nikon yet. I submitted mine on the 10/11/15 and still haven't hard anything. I entered…

bro its not there. I've rang target and they said 2 other buyers had the same issue. pretty pissed off atm

mine did not come with fifa 2016 or 1 month ea membership. Anyone else on the same boat. my ebay invoice says fifa 2016 bundle. i have…

pete85 joined OzBargain.
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