perroperr0 » user profile

Member Since | 02/11/2015 |
Last Seen | 01/05/2016 |
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perroperr0 replied to
JohnHowardsEyebrows on Los Angeles Return Melb $805, Sydney $822, Bris $843, Hob $926, Adel $924, Per $1047, Canb $948 @IWTF

Ah sweet, that's what I thought but I wasn't sure and didn't want to regret the purchase - thanks!

perroperr0 commented on Los Angeles Return Melb $805, Sydney $822, Bris $843, Hob $926, Adel $924, Per $1047, Canb $948 @IWTF
Hey! Any good deals for a one way ticket to Europe (anywhere) from Sydney at the end of June/beginning of July? Best I can find is ~$700 to…

[@ippy](/comment/3196456/redir): I don't know what you're trying to argue. You can pronounce them how you like but I'm just saying that…

[@ippy](/comment/3194645/redir): What do you mean why do we have our own versions of these names? That's how language works. This is like…

But.. I mean it makes sense to pronounce nutella as the proper 'nu-tella' since it's a brand name and doesn't change across languages but…

perroperr0 commented on 50 FREE Bondi Burgers 12pm - 1pm Between 2nd & 6th Nov (NSW/QLD/ACT/VIC) @ Oporto
They're on a tray with a guy holding it at Rhodes - one per person but I sweet talked my way into a second

perroperr0 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!