cakeshelf » user profile
Member Since | 13/10/2015 |
Last Seen | 22/10/2015 |
Location | NSW |
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[@lenlynn](/comment/3137381/redir): thanks :) I had seen a few other food bloggers do it and thought it would be a nice little addition
Thankyou so much! Taste testing is one of the best parts! I hope your kids are inspired to start baking because it's such a rewarding…
So do I haha
[@eides](/comment/3126473/redir): Thankyou for this! I'll try it later today.
Oh. But how am I supposed to have good looking photos and a quick loading website at the same time?
Thanks for pointing this out. I didn't notice. How do I compress a image without ruining it's quality or size?
I've taken your advice and posted an 'About Me' page this morning :) You can find it under 'About' in the header menu
Thankyou for the support and advice. I'm aware that it's a long process and will take time to gain readers and look forward to one day…
Haha trust me it really isn't that hard once you watch all the YouTube videos and stuff. I bet you could do it :)
Thanks for brining this to my attention. I often make spelling mistakes haha!
Thank you so much for this comment! It was actually very helpful and I appreciate you taking the time to write all of it haha! I'm starting…
Thankyou for bringing this to my attention as I would have never thought of it. I'll look into it soon
This was very helpful! Thank you. I've already installed Yoast Seo and it's great! I'm in the middle of setting up a Pinterest account…
Haha very funny ;)
Hmm yes I'm trying to fix that but don't know how! I might research a little about if and try and fix it :)
Thank you so much for all this information! It was like a photography crash course. I've taken notes and will try using pic monkey as I…
Haha this comment made me laugh! Those brownies didn't last 2 days in my house. Give the cake a try, you never know what you can achieve
Thank you so much for pointing this out! I would she never have thought of it and am glad you brought it to my attention. If you don't…
Thanks for the tips! It makes the Internet sounds like a bad place when you realise how many people steal each other's photos but I…
Thank you for the tips! I like the idea of putting a white desk as the background. Am going to try that next. I love the photo you took of…
Thank you for visiting Cake Shelf! I'll try and find a better spot in the house for lighting and might try a different background. Thanks…
I'm glad it made you hungry haha! I've definitely taken in the suggestions about lighting and photography and will try and put them into…
I 100% agree that we eat with our eyes and I know that I personally am attracted to good-looking food pictures so I'll try and work on my…
cakeshelf commented on Feedback on Daughters Website -
Thankyou everyone for all the suggestions and advice. I really do appreciate and will be making these changes as soon as I have time :)…
Thank you so much for your feedback and suggestions! I'm so lucky to have all this support and feedback and soaking in all the advice.…
I LOVE your suggestions and will be making some changes to Cake Shelf very soon. I find it hard to record preparation time as I think…
[@17731773](/comment/3116470/redir): Thankyou for the help! I'll definitely be contacting you in the future ;) I love the look of your…
I agree. I'll definitely work on my photography and might have to invest in some editing software. That or I need to watch some photography…
Thankyou! I really appreciate you visiting the blog :)