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You can also activate this from within the Uplay client, if you're having issues with their site. It's the first option in the Free games…

No, I just activated it on my Australian account. Both stores are operated by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, so it shouldn’t be an…

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redion1992 replied to
alphalpha on PS Plus Games - January 2018: Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Batman: Telltale Series

Yep, it’s only been updated recently. At the start of the month it was only the Vita version.

redion1992 posted a deal (PS Plus) Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness PS4 Version - Late Addition [Free w/ Subscription]
If you’re like me and pick up your subscription games as soon as they get unlocked, then you might have noticed that despite there being…

redion1992 commented on Phenomec VRSmartView – Limited Edition Virtual Reality Headset - $39.99 + Free Shipping
I'm certainly interested, however my phone is "only" an iPhone 5 (4" screen) - will this work with it in order to get it streaming from a…

redion1992 replied to
fLaMePrO on Hotel Club: $25 of $175, $50 off $300 & $100 off $500 (AUD) at Participating Hotel

Looks like the price trigger does not include "taxes and fees" (GST) in its calculations. So it sees the total price after the 15% discount…

redion1992 replied to
Apostle0748 on Hotel Club: $25 of $175, $50 off $300 & $100 off $500 (AUD) at Participating Hotel

I'm also heading up to Sydney for a short trip the weekend after the NRL GF (arriving Thursday 8th - Sunday 11th) and looking at cancelling…

redion1992 joined OzBargain.
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