charkwayteo » user profile

Member Since 05/07/2015
Last Seen 1 hour 3 min
Location Sydney

Recent Activities

Toilet paper might not get the micro shit off but definitely sufficient to clean it enough so that you don't get skid marks, and you don't…
02/05/2024 - 14:16
Probably lol, but work is such a large chunk of time in your life it might as well be somewhat enjoyable. But maybe my pov is weird hence…
19/02/2024 - 17:41
I dunno but full time holding a stop/slow sign sounds pretty crap I wouldn't do it for 150k per year. Id rather a desk job sitting in A/C…
19/02/2024 - 15:40
I actually walked out of a particular Aldi today because there was no self checkout. Just wanted 2 items and wasn’t keen on wasting time…
18/02/2024 - 18:10
You must be new. What you’re talking about happens in abundance in the hospitality biz regardless of the racial background of the owner.…
07/02/2024 - 19:00
use case? completely different tools. portability and productivity/adobe suite/video editing etc go the mac, primarily gaming/3d…
31/01/2024 - 10:47
Fair enough, I figured it was sort of a given.. with the price point for what’s on offer and all…my apologies
29/01/2024 - 18:39
Doesn’t take a genius to see the comments highlighting the fact that the watch is made in China aren’t meant to be viewed in a positive…
29/01/2024 - 17:28
So much Chinese hate lol - good luck getting a TI, Sapphire crystal watch made in Australia for $250, or even $2500. We sure are good at…
29/01/2024 - 14:13
Yes... I occasionally stop buy Asian groceries and try the most random snack foods and beverages I find - random dried marinated squid/fish…
18/01/2024 - 15:46
glory hole with tip jar and you're set.
16/01/2024 - 09:51
100% troll post. Easy to get a job...IF u really WANT one, loads of stuff in hospitality/kitchen hand work etc if ur desperate enough and…
15/01/2024 - 13:24
lol or maybe the rise is a reflection of the country’s GDP/worldwide productivity and as a result standard of living/life…
26/12/2023 - 22:41
A decent chunk but not as much as from 2019 to 2021. I had more free cash to play with then and got fairly lucky in the market. Now most of…
19/12/2023 - 20:24
You've barely started working - why not actually do some work for the next few years and see if you even come close to your spreadsheet net…
18/12/2023 - 12:55
Last 15 Auctions I’ve been to around Syd like maybe ONE of them I thought was a foreign investor from China. Others have been Vietnamese…
17/11/2023 - 12:25
Alright smarty pants - you have $1600AUD give me a better build CPU- RAM- MOBO- HDD- PSU- CASE- GPU-
04/11/2023 - 13:55
You do you... everyone has their own way of raising children, don't need to follow my advice or anyone else I'm just giving my 2 cents. My…
22/08/2023 - 13:55
I have a 4yo son - it's important to really establish red lines in behavior very early on. From 2 year old onwards they can understand…
22/08/2023 - 11:28
HP OMEN 27qs 27" QHD 240Hz Gaming Monitor $525.20 Shipped @ HP via eBay
[Original Coupon Deal](/node/793036) Seems like a good deal for a 240hz 1440p IPS panel. I'd buy it if I didn't get my Dell one a few…
19/08/2023 - 23:00
Life must be good if this warrants enough worry to make a thread about.
10/08/2023 - 11:50
I wouldn't stress on my child learning manual but I'd prefer that they do. I generally feel more in control of the vehicle as I find…
26/06/2023 - 12:12
Diablo 4 isn’t hard to run .My 9 year old rig slays it at 1080p high on a 980ti..Blizzard optimises games quite well to run on even…
10/06/2023 - 14:17
Disagree rising interest rates is not good - it artificially freezes the property market and does zero to stop genuine inflation which is…
08/06/2023 - 12:07
I’m a dirty casual so not interested. Happy playing Botw’s new DLC ToK and some CSGO now and then. Played a lot of D3 seasonal don’t…
03/06/2023 - 16:35
Fair enough, I'd avoid them too after that. I personally avoid samsung phones, nothing but garbage - even the cheap xiaomis and redmi's run…
22/05/2023 - 09:51
I hate this about apartments it's why I sold and will never buy another one. I eventually joined the committee of my previous apartment and…
18/05/2023 - 11:08
Interest rates are really not going to solve inflation. With all the government spending and trash financial policies that is the main…
04/05/2023 - 19:42
I have an iphone 13 takes great photos. But my d750 takes much better photos If I could be bothered. 'Being bothered' is the key here. You…
12/04/2023 - 09:39
4000 cards literally just came out anyway I don't think 5080 will be out till at least Q3 2024, May 2016 - gtx 1080 Sept 2018 - gtx 2080…
05/04/2023 - 10:24