mrtony » user profile

Member Since 02/07/2015
Last Seen 02/07/2024
Location Melbourne

Recent Activities

Yea nah - there's a list of GP's on low carb down under that are specialised in the latest research. Your regular "GP on the block" won't…
18/05/2021 - 13:20
There is some great general advice here, but only a 1:1 session with a medical professional will find out the true root cause of your…
16/05/2021 - 08:37
"Steaks every day" is the carnivore diet, which is the next phase of keto. And really, it's not even steaks, it's more about eating nose to…
14/05/2021 - 12:47
Sorry but you're wrong.. Sugar IS a Carb - all carbs turn into glucose (sugar) in the blood, regardless of how "refined" they are. The…
14/05/2021 - 12:38
Going to be near impossible to get an accurate diagnosis on an Internet forum :D Best bet would be to check out and visit one of the…
14/05/2021 - 08:17
Great deal - thanks! I’ve been keto for a few years now and it changed my life. During COVID I resorted to carbs and my mental and…
13/05/2021 - 22:57
Spot on - also, weight is not the greatest indicator of health! Were you going to the gym in those 4 weeks? Muscle weighs more than fat, so…
13/05/2021 - 22:36
Great stuff there, working out how the body works 👍 Insulin spikes due to carb intake causes the exact same problems for me - insatiable…
13/05/2021 - 22:32
So true - carbs turn into glucose (sugar), and literally have no nutritional value in our body. I also wish I’d never been introduced to…
13/05/2021 - 22:26
Have you ever drank a full bottle of cream in one go? No, the thought of it is sickening. That’s because your gut/mind connection tells…
13/05/2021 - 22:20
Exactly - all digestible carbs turn into glucose (sugar) in the body. Not to mention all the chemicals in vegetables that actively inhibit…
13/05/2021 - 09:08
used michaelroper mine
18/02/2019 - 06:41
I don't own one but from everything I've read they're "just" a fan with a purifier, not an a/c.
22/11/2017 - 14:05
have to be part of Asthma Australia to receive this.. got my hopes up! :)
08/11/2017 - 08:18
mrtony joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
02/07/2015 - 21:57