Specter » user profile

Member Since | 11/05/2015 |
Last Seen | 05/02/2016 |
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Specter replied to
Specter on Seagate Archive 8TB $299 with $30 Cashback from Seagate @ ShoppingExpress

[@whitehall](/comment/3343342/redir): Thanks for the reply. I emailed them and received a reply advising that my hdd's were registered on…

Specter commented on eBay 15% off Sitewide (Minimum Spend $150)
hello, any decent sub $200 sound bar deals around? thanks!

Specter replied to
whitey1212 on Seagate Archive 8TB $299 with $30 Cashback from Seagate @ ShoppingExpress

Hi whitehall, I registered a couple of archive hdd's on seagate's website on the 16th of Dec but have not even received a confirmation…

Specter commented on eBay 15% off Sitewide (Minimum Spend $150)
Seagate 8tb archive drive can be had for $255 and free delivery from Shopping express…

Hey all, Shopping express's ebay site has this for $355…

Specter replied to
garage sale on Seagate Archive 8TB $299 with $30 Cashback from Seagate @ ShoppingExpress

WHat this guy says!! i use a standard green or equivalent for torrenting and the archive is used once a week to copy the content over..…

Specter replied to
yoshiyoshi on Intel PC on a Stick $165 + More, up to 70% off on Selected Items @ Budget PC Boxing Day Sale

Yes please OP! would love to get an 8tb for a cheaper price! Edit: Just saw that Shopping express has them for 299 with free shipping.…

Specter replied to
9674784 on Dick Smith Clearance Day 2: TVs, Tablets, Smartphones, PCs, Printers, Apple, DECT

yes they are.. its a little less busy in there as well. the sydney cbd store anyway..

Specter replied to
Specter on Fallout 4 Pre-Order [cdkeys.com] [Facebook Like + Email Required] ($53.59AUD)

[@Nom](/comment/3172704/redir): got my keys from cdkeys! pre-loading now.

[@Specter](/comment/3181444/redir): Got my keys from CDkeys this morning.Pre-loading now!

[@chipstss](/comment/3180764/redir): thanks. pre-load is on now. no cd key from CDKEYS yet.

Specter replied to
Hellman109 on Fallout 4 Pre-Order [cdkeys.com] [Facebook Like + Email Required] ($53.59AUD)

I hope its not on the 11th!!! especially as bethesda says that AU will be able to get it at midnight on the 10th. But i dont know if Steam…

that's probably your best bet. i do know that if they have keys available then CDKEYS and GMG send them out instantly. i'll update this…

Specter commented on Fallout 4 with preload key? (PC)
Hi, i dont think any site other than Steam is actually guaranteeing the CD key/pre-loading prior to the release. I've pre-purchased through…

Hi, Has anyone actually received a code from CDKEYS prior to the release date/time? i've used them multiple times but only for games that…

best i found was on cd keys for around $60 AUD a couple of days before release. however it now looks like its been bumped up to $70AUD.…

CDkeys are pretty fast to send through the codes - automated process. i receive mine within minutes. i picked up mad max a day before…

premium = game + harley quinn dlc + season pass. The other bundle is just the premium but without the harley quinn dlc - this pack is…

Specter commented on Home Theater Receiver Recomendations
Have you considered 2nd hand ones from ebay or gumtree? If you're not after the latest features (atmos, hdmi 2.0, etc); then any receiver…

[@AznMitch](/comment/2829300/redir): it certainly didnt come across like that mate! :)

Onkyo's are great. I had the TX-SR607 version that is still going 4 years on (currently in use at my Bro's place). I upgraded to a Yamaha…

[@AznMitch](/comment/2829271/redir): Fair enough. But as you mention, it does give a good indicator on if a cable is good or not. Some of…

i have a couple of Samsung phone cables (from the S2 and S5) and both of these cables can carry 1A to the phone. My phone/s can take a max…

I believe that your device also controls how much amps it is allowed. So if your cable carriers 2.4A and if your device can use a maximum…

Specter replied to
bamzero on Rank Arena Air Fryer with LCD Display - Black $61 to $65 Delivered + 3.6% Cashback @ oo.com.au

My status still says Approved for Dispatch since the 12th, when i bought mine. No idea when this will be shipped out.

Hmm.. must have missed this post. Good spot. i just got my cable a couple of days ago and the micro usb head is pretty solid. Hope it…

Specter commented on 2.4 amps micro USB charger cable
Hi, you will need to search for a cable that can output 2A. If you need a longer cable (2M and above) then consider getting a thicker cable…

Specter replied to
dom_christo on The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt (Pre-Order) GOG. $15.79 USD. Requires HOLA/VPN

Loading the website and adding the item (with the cheap price) was not an issue with me (using Hola android app; originating country is…

Specter joined OzBargain.
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