Timo88 » user profile

Member Since | 15/04/2015 |
Last Seen | 02/12/2022 |
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Could buy some eneloops, since those are never on sale ;)

Timo88 commented on Eneloop Nimh 4x AAA Battery $9.80, SENNHEISER Wireless Headphones $86.39 (C&C) @ Dick Smith
Yes those should be the Sanyo, made in Japan ones (1800 cycles and 70% capacity retention afte 5 years storage). I actually went into my…

Timo88 commented on Eneloop Nimh 4x AAA Battery $9.80, SENNHEISER Wireless Headphones $86.39 (C&C) @ Dick Smith
The "Rouge" 8 AA packs are on sale for $20.70 and are available for click and collect at some stores. They are the older Sanyo, made in…

Timo88 joined OzBargain.
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