tipsjt » user profile

Member Since | 20/03/2015 |
Last Seen | 26/12/2024 |
Recent Activities

tipsjt commented on Get Born Again - Alice in Chains (2x7" Vinyl) $0.80 + $9.95 Postage @ The Music Vault
damn its sold out now

Used Moggott Mine is

used shinsaber here's mine

just got my email looks like they might be having some sales tomorrow on some stuff no prices listed on anything yet though

tipsjt commented on Win Your Choice of A PlayStation 4 Pro, Xbox One S, or Nintendo Switch from Game Cheap
used exultar's here's mine.

used gddg heres mine

used crikey26 heres mine

tipsjt commented on Win a PlayStation 4 Pro Worth $559 from Getflix
used theantic's heres mine

tipsjt commented on Win an XBox One or PS4 Console Worth $390 or 1 of 5 Mass Effect: Andromeda Digital Codes Worth $79 from Fextralife
used: coupleofdays heres: mine

Used Ardsed heres mine

tipsjt commented on Win a PlayStation 4 Bundle from Up 'Til Noon
Used Vadrin's mine is

Used Steppen wolf's heres mine

tipsjt commented on Win an iPhone 7 Plus worth $1269 from iDrop News
Used coxymla link here's mine

Used Razjor heres mine

Worked for me haven't had PS+ for about 6 months

tipsjt commented on Win an Xbox One S 500GB Console With Circuit Breakers & Shoppe Keep from Excalibur Games
used Vadrin's Heres mine

tipsjt commented on Samsung 70" 4K UHD Smart TV $2496 (Save $1200), Panasonic 55" UHD TV $998, Samsung 40" 4K TV $698 + More @ JB Hi-Fi
damn I got the 40 inch Samsung for like a $1000 a couple of weeks ago should have waited and i could have got the 50-inch version

Does the $46 include postage or will this cost more?

mine just switched to in transit dont think ill get it for a few days though since im in TAS

Damn Just pre ordered this from JB HI FI last week for $90. It does say that if the price drops before the release date that you will only…

used your referral here is mine

tipsjt commented on Win Grip-It Controller Thumbstick Grips [Made in USA] Worth AU $12.75 from Grip-It Australia
here's my referral

Used here's mine

tipsjt commented on Win Your Choice of Nexus 6, LG G4, Note 4, OnePlus Two, LG G Flex 2 from Android Authority
My Ref

tipsjt commented on Win Master Chief Edition Xbox One + 4 Controllers & Kinect from Android Authority
My Referral

tipsjt commented on Win LG G4 from Android Authority
My Referral

tipsjt commented on Win a UE MEGABOOM Wireless Bluetooth Speaker from SoundGuys (International Giveaway)
Heres Mine

My Refferal link

tipsjt commented on Win a Lenovo Y50 Gaming Laptop (Valued at $2,199ea) from Lenovo - same as last month
code. 11F53

tipsjt joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!