sunmoon108 » user profile

Member Since | 22/02/2015 |
Last Seen | 13/11/2020 |
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His fortnightly pay would be 1350 and would up paying 800 just for the rent..where will be go for his other expenses? Speak like a human..a…

sunmoon108 replied to
51722 on [QLD] Free Meal for International Students/Needy/Homeless @ Sankalp Indian Restaurant - Annerley

Why do they have to struggle so much... Just go back..

sunmoon108 replied to
donga100 on [QLD] Free Meal for International Students/Needy/Homeless @ Sankalp Indian Restaurant - Annerley

Why dl they but.. No ones what's them to... They do for their selfish needs. Don't act victim.

Samsung will not price match its own retailers mate

Dude cut the crap. All this dishes are not even native malaysian but indian food appropriated by malaysia and taste below par compared to…

sunmoon108 replied to
Malarkey on What do you plan on doing in Japan with this incredible Jetstar deal?

But the questuon remoans will the plane fly or get cancelled or u put on another flight and that flight gets cancelled and then u are put…

sunmoon108 joined OzBargain.
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