Brisbanebargain » posts

$2000 gaming desktop - advice please

Hey fellow bargain hunters. I don’t have the knowledge to sort a gaming PC out for my son but was hoping you experts can help. I have $2,000ish to spend on the box (already have the …

$1,000 to invest... Suggestions?

My father recently passed away and left my two children (12 and 13 year old) $1,000 each. I know it's not a lot of money but it is for a kid. Instead of them spending it on crap I'd like …

I've got $1,200 for a new PC. Where's the best in Brisbane?

I have $1,200 to spend on a PC and need it to be good with gaming (not amazing but adequate for good games), have an SSD card and a half decent video card. Any suggestions what model and where to get …