fourredcars » user profile

Member Since | 07/08/2014 |
Last Seen | 23/08/2015 |
Location | Sydney |
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fourredcars commented on OzBargainers, what Uni degree did you get, and what completely unrelated field do you work in now?
BComm - Tourism & Hospitality, Services Marketing and Chinese studies. 4 years of study leading to work at a cafe then fell into finance.…

fourredcars replied to
Flying Ace on [Insufficient Quantity] iPod Touch 5th Gen 16GB $99 @ Officeworks

Thanks Flying Ace. Me (calling Hunter St store): Hi, I was just enquiring about your iPod Tou- OW rep: iPod Touch 16gb 5th generation at…

fourredcars commented on $2 Burrito Mad Mex - Telstra Treats App
Thanks OP! The girl at the register said "again?" when I showed her my phone lol

Thanks TA! I just pressed F5 each time it gave me an error message and it managed to go through! Fingers crossed they actually get…

fourredcars replied to
Food on Woolworths Specials w/c 15 Apr - (1/2 Price Campbell's Soup, Shapes, Papa G Pizza) + Voda $30 Starter Pack - $5 (w $30 spend)

Silly question: If you're stocking up on the packs, does that mean you can activate them at a later time (say, the end of the year)? Or is…

Sorry! I didn't mean to neg you, was just browsing and clicked the button by accident.

fourredcars replied to
fourredcars on How to travel in Sydney for less than $20 a week with an Opal card?

[@enidan](/comment/2393659/redir): Great! Thanks for that. That gets me up to 5 journeys on the Monday, not complaining!

fourredcars replied to
enidan on How to travel in Sydney for less than $20 a week with an Opal card?

So if I get up to $15.13 on my last trip for that day, that won't be counted as a journey? Time to go back to the drawing board.


That is true that it spreads the risk of performance and it is a strategy some could consider. While some fees are a percentage based on…

fourredcars posted a forum topic Hello, I'm fourredcars :)
Nice to meet you all. Long time lurker, finally decided to signup and start contributing!

Second that, everyone's situation is different so go with what suits you and what your priorities are.

@gaurav1504: The amount of fees paid in the different accounts could (and usually is) be much higher than consolidating and paying the one…

I know right. Just my luck when I bought stuff last night!

Lol my bad. Just saw your comment below!

Not sure if you've already purchased but I bought a washing machine from Appliances Online and was very impressed with their level of…

fourredcars joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!