sa5ha » user profile

Member Since | 02/08/2014 |
Last Seen | 23/10/2021 |
Badges | 3 1 |
Location | Melbourne |
Recent Activities

sa5ha commented on Where to Buy Discounted Woolworths Wish Cards?

sa5ha commented on Reducing Traffic Noise in Home
Double glazed windows would be my recommendation. I lived one house back from a busy train line in Melbourne for 3 years with double…

sa5ha was awarded a badge.

sa5ha commented on Do You Donate Blood?
I've donated around 10 times in the past but haven't for the past 4 years or so as I've been pregnant (2018 and 2020) and breastfeeding…

sa5ha commented on Custom Wall Art (Canvas Prints)
I've used Big W in the past and the canvas prints were good quality and 5+ years on they still look great.

sa5ha commented on [Afterpay] Bugaboo Fox2 Mineral Complete Black/Washed Black $1339.20 Delivered (C&C) @ Baby Bunting eBay
Uppababy Vista is so much better than this. All my friends who bought Bugaboo's constantly comment to me that they wish they'd got a Vista…

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

sa5ha was awarded a badge.


Most likely won't make any difference to your insurance cost. In a past life I worked for a large general insurer and any extras/after…

sa5ha commented on Melbourne COVID-19 Test Turnaround Time
My mum got tested yesterday morning about 10am and had results by 8am this morning via text confirming she's negative. This was Bayside…

sa5ha commented on Reusable Nappies / Disposable Liner Options?
I tried a few of the liners with my daughter when she was about 10-12 months old. They're rubbish. As soon as the baby is mobile and…

There are ways of getting to work that don't involve driving...

sa5ha commented on How Long Do You Travel for Work?
I work from home 2 out of 3 days I work each week so zero commute on those days and the one day a week I'm in the office is a 45 minute…

sa5ha commented on Are Kindle E-Readers Worth It?
I have had two Kindles over the last 10 years and they're good. BUT I've just recently got into using my local library's ebook service and…

All of our accounts/credit cards/home loan are joint. We're both comfortable with each others spending habits and value similar things so…

sa5ha commented on Wobbel Pro with Pressed Felt
Oskars Wooden Ark will send you out a one time use discount code for 10% off with the first order you place with them in my experience. Try…

sa5ha commented on Grimms Large Stepped Pyramid or stock them in Australia. They're a very heavy block set so I expect…

sa5ha commented on Where Do You Get Your Furniture?
We got a bedroom setting from Icon By Design last year. I was pleasantly surprised - all solid oak and looks fantastic. Most of our other…

Yes please! Would make less mess than my toddler smushing the free banana all over her clothes and hands.

sa5ha commented on Please Recommend a Pram for an Active Mum
Uppababy Vista is brilliant and has the option to go double if required in the future. And the basket is obscenely huge and useful compared…

Blinds seem expensive to me. We had a 3 bedroom apartment (3 bedroom windows, additional large living room window plus two large sliding…

sa5ha replied to
Diji1 on Adelaide City Council's Lime 'E-Scooter' Trial Regulations - Reasonable or Ridiculous?

As a parent, I wholeheartedly agree with this comment.

sa5ha was awarded a badge.

sa5ha commented on Relocating My Cat from Sydney to Hong Kong
Haven't done it internationally but our dog has flown with JetPets domestically before and it was all fine. They appear to fly pets to Hong…

sa5ha commented on Not Many Women about OZB?
Cause all we simple women folk like are lady razors and handbags...

They've got size 4 (10-15kg) Huggies Ultimate Nappy Pants for $20 too which is definitely a good deal when factoring in cashback via…

sa5ha commented on Amazon AU Delivery Stolen as Toll Left The Parcel at The Door and Did Not Ring The Bell While We Were at Home
Amazon have this absurd system which says "OKAY TO LEAVE IN SAFE LOCATION" on packages being delivered. I had a parcel delivered last week…

sa5ha replied to
Quantumcat on Bought a Shoe Cabinet from eBay but Parts Don't Fit and Scratches and Dents Are Present? Refund policy?

[@kakarot123](/comment/5915781/redir): Don't close the PayPal case! Once you've done that you definitely can't reopen it and it'll make…

sa5ha commented on Would You Speed Driving Downhill in This Situation?
*Brake, not break.