darren870 » user profile

Member Since | 22/07/2014 |
Last Seen | 01/05/2017 |
Badges | 1 |
Location | Melbourne |
Recent Activities

Haha, I just posted bail! Nah. I found out it was purchased from a chain store from the help with someone here. I went there but they don't…

Not even close

So with the help of an ozbarginer I actually did this yesterday. I found out which chain it came from and went in to ask my options. They…

Wasn't in the bush it was in a bush. This isn't geocaching, otherwise it would be the worst hiding spot I've ever seen.

Thanks! Going to the apple store today to ask. There is no active warranty on the ipad though, I checked the applecare site last night.

[@fm](/comment/3982482/redir): I did post here with the hopes it might be an ozbarginers.

Yea, I wrote it down. I tried checking if it had an active warranty and it doesn't. I am going to the apple store today during lunch and…

Yea. Fair enough. I'll do all these suggestions tonight.

Not 100% as I haven't had a chance to turn it on. However, it has the plastic screen covering over it still and everything was wrapped up…

I also thought about posting an Ad. When I've been robbed I usually would check the classifieds to see if my item was being sold. Like an…

Yea, thats not a bad idea! I am going to do that now. It wasn't just an iPad I found but I didn't want to be too descriptive on here in…

[@Scrooge McDuck](/comment/3980978/redir): No idea mate. I'm going to boot it up tonight get the info and call Apple and see if there is…

It literally brand new. I haven't had a chance to turn it on to be honest. However it has all the plastic on it. I'll fool around more with…

Yea...not going to put up signage. I can only imagine the amount of crack heads I'll get calling me saying its their Ipad. I am making an…

He pretty much told me to do 1000+ things before actually giving it to him. Basically contact Apple and stores. Which I am going to do. I…

darren870 was awarded a badge.

As I said in my post I was out and I would stop by the police station on my way home. Which is what I did and then posted about it 45 mins…

Cheers. I am in VIC but I will do this today/tonight. My local police station is sketchy as hell and they have a reputation of doing…

I just went to the police and he kinda just was like.... What do you want me to do? He didn't even check if there was a report for a stolen…

Must be yours!! I'll meet you at the bush!

darren870 posted a forum topic Found an iPad in a bush while on a morning stroll....
Was out for a wander today and on one of the nature strips was an iPad in a bush. No idea why but there it was just sitting there. No one…

darren870 commented on Virgin Mobile - 12GB Data and Unlimited Calls and Texts $50 Per Month Plus Bonus Credit
Hmm, I keep going over my data on Vaya. Seems like this would be a good deal. So the bonus is till you cancel or change contracts right?…

darren870 replied to
ihbh on BigW can't let u buy Gift card by eGift card, and won't allow u to shop then refund

I really hope he is stuck with a lot of useless junk that he has no use for with that $1000. Seriously, he is trying defraud Big W and then…

darren870 replied to
elliot91 on How much should I pay for a 'professional' apartment clean prior to vacating?

If you use airtasker make sure you state its a final clean. Go with someone with good reviews as well. If you offer a cheap price expect to…

darren870 commented on How much should I pay for a 'professional' apartment clean prior to vacating?
$350 is excessive. Do you have carpet? If so you will need to get it steam cleaned. My partner does cleanings, but she doesn't steam clean…

darren870 replied to
Chumpmaster on Melbourne Comedy Festival - Free Tickets to COMEDY SHOWCASE & More + $2.95 Admin Fee @ Promotix

Yep, same. He was hilarious!!

darren870 commented on Melbourne Comedy Festival - Free Tickets to COMEDY SHOWCASE & More + $2.95 Admin Fee @ Promotix
I've seen most the shows PromoTix has to offer. Both free and paid. I'd recommend Simon Taylor to anyone interested in going but can only…

darren870 commented on Greedy Investors Wants to Increase The House Prices by Keeping Vacant Properties in Sydney
Except the property market in Perth is tied to Oil and other natural resources. Which have all been on the decline... You can't make a good…

[@ChickenTalon](/comment/3430276/redir): I was a new resident. I got my DL on day 5 as I knew I would be here longer then 6 months. Its…

I had never switched my region from the US to AU. So if your xbox account is setup with another region thats why it might not be working. I…