jdael2005 » user profile

Member Since 03/06/2014
Last Seen 02/10/2021
Location sydney

Recent Activities

No worries mate. I have 10 to start you off. I hope they help. 1. Read up on "traffic waves" 2. "Flatten hills" that is, accelerate going…
18/08/2015 - 01:20
Theres some basic and useful techniques to learn and practice in driving this particular hybrid which can be used for regular cars as well.…
17/08/2015 - 19:59
I guess some just cant be bothered can they thats why they just chuck them away. They just dont realise that theyve saved money already to…
17/08/2015 - 19:30
You can prove the Prius stigma wrong by driving it like a regular car. The Prius is surprisingly quick off the line up to 60-70kph (which…
17/08/2015 - 17:41
jdael2005 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
03/06/2014 - 12:42