austrajoni » user profile

Status In Penalty Box.
Member Since 28/03/2014
Last Seen 03/03/2015
Location Sydney

Recent Activities

I've just noticed the amount of listings on quicksales has gone up a lot in the past week and I've had a number of new buyers buy off me on…
29/04/2014 - 09:32
Keep trying, I manage to sell successfully on there by listing 100s of items across as many categories as I can.
31/03/2014 - 12:26
Quicksales and fishpond. I use both and also Gumtree and do better on each of those than eBay in one year. I sell about 600 lots or items a…
29/03/2014 - 22:52
That's actually a really good should ask both of them to consider it.
28/03/2014 - 22:16
Go to quicksales and give it a go, the more of us that list and buy there, the better.In NZ Trade Me showed eBay the door...
28/03/2014 - 22:14
I do sell on QS cheaply and have done since 2006 because there are no fees, I pass on the savings to customers.
28/03/2014 - 22:10
I sell on fishpond but they also take a cut of the postage fee. It's easy to list up on there, though.
28/03/2014 - 22:09
Sellers and buyers should support Quicksales, I sell on there and find it's good but slow at times and at other times it's great. It's free…
28/03/2014 - 22:07
austrajoni joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
28/03/2014 - 22:04