Stop me » user profile

Member Since | 25/03/2014 |
Last Seen | 30/03/2022 |
Location | Sydney |
Recent Activities

Time for nanjing duck and 3 cup duck

Thanks everyone I rang multiple times to office work customer service hot line but it was closed due to Xmas holiday Then I rang one office…

Stop me replied to
Namaarie on $200 off iPhone 12 & 12 Mini, $100 off iPhone Pro - with a Mobile Plan or Outright Purchase @ Telstra

OMG I did it ,

Stop me commented on $200 off iPhone 12 & 12 Mini, $100 off iPhone Pro - with a Mobile Plan or Outright Purchase @ Telstra
I shall try... I am a bit worry about the drama when I request to terminate the plan

Stop me commented on $200 off iPhone 12 & 12 Mini, $100 off iPhone Pro - with a Mobile Plan or Outright Purchase @ Telstra
I am thinking to buy outright with $55 plan and cancel it afterward Any opinion on this ? TIA

Thanks Got some And also found aust post website very easy to use as well

Stop me commented on Lebara Black Friday Deal, 180 Days 6GB Unlimited $49 | 180 Days 12GB $99 Unlimited | 180 Days 22GB $119 Unlimited
Store rep : your website is super difficult to use I tried so many times but can’t actvate my sim Very frustrating And customer service…

Stop me commented on Flybuys + Optus $35 SIM Only Plan: Unlimited Calls & Text, 30GB Data, Some Intl Minutes + Google Home + 10,000 Flybuys Points
I’m not targeted !!!!!

Question: is it true the postage fee is 150 for a Dyson dc 47? The delivery fee is unbelievable

I have to say, the umbrellas looks impressive, but break very easily I wouldn't buy them again

Stop me joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!