ripponpartap123 » user profile

Member Since | 08/01/2014 |
Last Seen | 14/02/2019 |
Recent Activities

ripponpartap123 commented on Black Friday - Jersey Boys 2-for-1 Nov-Dec Select Sydney Performances $45 Each + $8.55 Fees @ Ticketmaster
Can also use Sherry75 and SYDNEY18 codes in some dates Cheers

still works St Marys NSW

ripponpartap123 replied to
onlyletters on Free Public Transport from Tuesday on Southlink and Transfield Buses Due to Strikes

maybe u can hire them on ur fake protein shop then extremist

ripponpartap123 commented on Sony KDL50R550A 50 Inch Full HD LED LCD 100hz SMART 3D TV (Refurbished) $899+ $40 Postage+ $30 H
been there done that. used to be a delivery truck for graysonline. you can't imagine how many lot's of Tv i used to take to get them fixed…

ripponpartap123 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!