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I'm not sure that this hasn't been posted before, but couldn't find it in a search. Basically, you can get a free 30 day trial from Scribd and that means you can download as many …
Has to be worth a pop or a click. :)
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This one's taken a major cut in price - maybe it wasn't selling. Anyhoo, it's a cracker. Very funny as well as being a romance. Down to just over a dollar! Free from Amazon: Action …
Every so often, I have to do something healthy. Does downloading count as exercise?
Browsing through the pages of an erotic novel opens doors to fantasies that Rachel finds impossible to control. It's not long before she has to find out for herself if such pleasures can really …
Houston has been called "a sprawling city of astronauts and cowboys, in the middle of a swamp." And now Jack Laramie, rural-wandering PI, is headed up that way after his faithless Desoto …
Posted this before but think it's too good to miss (at least while it's free).
I love this guy's books - dark and very funny. Here's the blurb: Six stories from Charlie Williams, renowned author of the Mangel series. An ill-starred young man is frustrated by a faulty …
Really like the look of this one, a pre-Bond if you like. The reviews are very strong: '"A magnificent and sparkling new espionage novel in what promises to be a truly remarkable new book …
This one's not for me - long may that continue - but it's a huge saving and I reckong there are people out there who might get at lot from this. Here's hoping it works…
Great magazine download for fans of romance books - interviews, features, reviews and more besides. Quality.
Here's news on getting a free book from a huge catalogue every month of 2014. It works up to the value of $5.99 (US) per month, which is a pretty good whack over 12 months. It looks fantastic …
A lady who started life in the mortuary (she was taken there when they thought she'd died at birth) tells her moving story. It's inspiring and short and makes you feel lucky.
Just brilliant this book. An Edinburgh crime story. A really great read about a hard man! Edited - Mod: Changed link to Amazon UK where book is still available for free (as posted by Marblel)
A really good 'best of' collection from my favourite short story writer. Really strong (and a little dark). Nigel Bird and his stories have appeared in so many places that it’s about …
A really fun short story that has a nice Twilight Zone horror feel to it. Nicely done and rather spooky.
New and free and about time too...the best of bird! 'Nigel Bird and his stories have appeared in so many places that it’s about time the best of them were brought together in one collection. His …
Just in case you've had a tough week, here's a little remedy...
Blade Dafner is a hunk of a man, but a married one. Dali Wright is a career woman, looking for a way to pay for Graduate School.
Stories from the minds of Scottish young people collected in one collection. Och aye!!
There aren't many books out there for young children and the Kindle, so it's nice to find a good one.
This one's cute.
One of my favourite reads from last year. It's a really great tale about the rise and fall of the hippy movement in the 60s and the musician Orinoco Pony.
Well worth checking out for police story fans - top notch but not for the easily offended.
Only 7? Lots of fun and we've all been there, right?
She announced her viriginity online and made a blog out of it and now it's a book. And it's free. I couldn't resist, but haven't read it. Looks good.
It has a save a $500 (US) challenge. Worth a look.
The Baddest Ass - a hardcore action book that's $2.99 instead of what will be $4.99
A modern take on Jane Austen that's fun.
I don't know if you're into that moody indie music from the 80s or not, but if you think you might be, this is great stuff. Not for pop fans really, more for the Joy Division crowd.
- 0
- Other
- Freebie
- 30 Sep 2013
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Free Hot Book from Amazon - Hen Nights
(Adult item)
Looks fun:
'Sassy contemporary Romance. 99,000 words. This is the revised ebook edition
v. romantic and v. funny.
“She came into the bookshop. That was it. That was the beginning.”
MAD ABOUT YOU is a boxed set of three beloved romances to make you love...laugh...and sigh.
This boxed set contains the following full-length books by Stephanie Bond: