Aureolus » user profile

Member Since | 08/06/2013 |
Last Seen | 29/01/2022 |
Location | ACT |
Recent Activities

Nice work!

Canberra - it's pretty disappointing seeing what everyone else is getting. Recently I've seen some really poor Steam download speeds. A…

Aureolus commented on What is your NBN speedtest result to USA?
Vodafone 50/20 as well - get 8 down/9 up. Will be swapping off Vodafone completely later this year when my mobile plan expires.

Well they've received two amounts of BTC in the past few days so the scammers are doing something right - see [blockchain…

Adding $10

Aureolus commented on Top 5 Games You Have Ever Played
1: Baldurs Gate 2: SoA 2: Total Annihilation 3: Civilization 4 4: Diablo 2 5: Forza Motorsport 2 1 and 2 got me seriously into gaming. No…

Aureolus commented on NetGear R7000: AC1900 Night Hawk Wi-Fi Dual Band Router $179.10 or OW Guarantee
Looks to be out of stock now

3930k Rampage IV Gene 16GB Corsair Vengeance Gigabyte AMD 7950 128GB Samsung 840 Pro 250GB Samsung 840 Obsidian 350D Case Corsair AX 850…

Hmmm no encrypted connection when submitting details and no privacy policy that I can find - the cynic in me wonders what the going rate on…

Thanks, got some cheap(er) speaker cable :)


Aureolus joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!