Oddmog » user profile

Member Since | 06/06/2013 |
Last Seen | 02/11/2022 |
Badges | 1 |
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Think you might be jumping the gun. The liberals have been great at starving the beast and being actively worse than useless trying to make…

Got any suggestions for Sydney then? Seems like most people here are saying it's a niche thing where Glebe and Newtown are your best bets.

Millage may vary, an electrician on award wage picks up less than $60k before tax and that can happen in union heavy areas. I've done my…

Celebrants have existed for a long time for those who don't want to deal with an orthodox wedding. Anyways, I'll leave you to your…

I'm an electrician who was silly enough to go into niche areas. I'll queue up behind you as I wouldn't mind a change but given I've spent…

What are the majority of your calls like? How long are the shifts? If you end up with ridiculously long shifts do you just try and get…

Most of the ones I've known have a dayjob which is separate. More a hobby which helps you get employed in certain companies.

Any chance you lot will stop charging hundreds of dollars for essential trade documents? That said thanks for the discount.

Oddmog commented on Tekken 7 PS4 / XBOX One $56.99 Shipped (+$4 extra for express) @ deals_for_all_au on eBay
Already sold out on PS4

Oddmog commented on How Much Do Engine Mounts Cost?
As per usual, shop around. Getting all the gear to lift out a motor and redo the mounts yourself will cost a lot more than $1k and mistakes…

Oddmog commented on WW3 - what has fallout taught you
If you want some survivalist game fun check out This war of mine: the little ones. Basically have to sneak around and try to get supplies…

Oddmog commented on Property Prices in Syd/Mel - What Do People Think?
Used to be the case that the average place was 3 or 4 times the average income it is now at around 12 times the average income in Sydney.…

Don't think it's quite OzBargain friendly but I noticed they've got the PC pip boy edition on sale again.…

I think a lot of people will be priced out full stop. At this point housing needs to be looked at as a social issue rather than just a…

Lot of people are just treading water. Bottom end in Sydney is 400k at least and if you're on 50k a year you still need to live as well.…

Not the poster you're looking for but my gut says maybe. Honestly I work full time and still have to live at home (with little left over…

Chase up the police as often as you can. Earlier they get onto things the easier it is. I've had dramas where if they got onto things…

OP has posted a pic of the distribution board. Old style without a single RCD in sight. $180 is on the cheaper side if anything. If OP opts…

Pretty well done in one. Just be super aware of fatigue and don't be afraid to pull over when you need to. I'd probably even suggest to do…

Oddmog commented on Go to system for JRPG
Isn't there a new xenoblade title coming out on the WiiU as well? Currently have a PS4 myself and the main title I can think of which has…

They're a chain store but it really does vary from store to store. My local is great but another one 10 minutes down the road doesn't even…

People just get titchy about these things and as a few have said on here different pay rates cause drama. Personally I'm pretty open about…

Oddmog replied to
jv on IKEA - Free Returns For Life With IKEA + Free GoGet Cars Account - Free To Join (Eastern States)

[@King Tightarse](/comment/3055358/redir): Do you still get to return a product if it's falling apart after assembly? It seems as though…

Oddmog replied to
RefusdClassification on OzBargainers, Which Degrees Can You Recommend and Which Can You Advise against for Studying in 2016?

You're not wrong but you're not necessarily right either. The bracket creep is making it so that a bachelors degree is the new high school…

Oddmog replied to
airzone on What Petty Stuff Has Your Company's Union / Staff / Management Complained about?

I don't think that this could be real honestly. My experiences with them have proven it's hard to get people to show up for even heavy…

Hit the nail on the head there. Capital interest just means more tax for them and even if the cities are unlivable due to no one being able…

Honestly, talking reality in this place just won't work. Everyone believes that they are entitled to their lifestyle and what they have…

[@JLove](/comment/2730239/redir): Either way it is the dole. Just that one of them can be a lot more generous.

Oddmog commented on 10 Million Dollars
Take the annuity option (payout over 20 years I think it is) travel for a year or two whilst saving up for a place to live as even after…

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