Grat » user profile

Member Since | 22/08/2008 |
Last Seen | 19/08/2021 |
Location | QLD |
Recent Activities

Fine line between being scammed and being ripped off even if it is only $10 and lost time. I appreciate the warning and will be wary of the…

Is the answer in the terms and conditions? Terms and conditions You must activate your chosen prepaid plan on within 30…

Grat commented on Hot Water relief valve and leaking pipe
Check eBay you could save yourself $35. It is important you replace with the same pressure rating as well as an identical valve.

Grat commented on What TV Shows Are You Watching ATM?
For those who like a bit of SciFi. I have really enjoyed the Mandalorian. This surprised me as I did not make it all the way through the…

Grat commented on OzBargain's Favourite Cheap Torch?…

There are worse forms of taxation than large fines for idiots putting lives at risk. In QLD we do have a bit of a state budget problem.…

In this case the installer sounds like he won't get paid unless the job is done properly. That should slow him down a bit. However, the job…

I remember watching a YouTube review by someone in the UK he thought that there would be buyer resistance in the UK because historically…

Grat replied to
Goldberg on Coles ½ Price: Roll’d Sauce 375mL $3, KB’s Fish Goujons or Battered Bites 1kg $12.50, Don Sliced Meats 250g $3.20 +More

I wonder where in Vietnam the fish are farmed. I believe the Mekong is badly polluted?

Grat commented on Purchased Block of Land - Neighbours Want Me to Share Cost for Fence Put up Three Years Ago
There are rules about fencing in most states and who pays. Under none of those can payment be sought for fences built in the past. Arguably…

Grat commented on Why Do People Stand on Escalators and Hold up Others Instead of keeping to the side?
Not all people are aware that this is what they should do to be courteous. I was woken up to the correct way to behave when visiting Sydney…

Grat commented on Are My Neighbours Inconsiderate or Am I Intolerant?
You could get some blood and bone fertilizer and leave damp on the lawn. The smell is terrible. Dogs love it and will roll in it. Your…

As it is not fit for purchase return it for a refund. They have had 2 opportunities to repair and failed I guess this puts the phone in the…

If they caused damage to others through their action their legal teams would be in a hurry to settle out of court and prevent further…

If families are bankrupted as a result of their action they need to join the club. However, no one else seems harmed at this point so maybe…

If they are not punished, others will follow. The fine is minamilstic anyway. However, it makes civil liability easier to prove.

I guess it's like many things we don't live in a police state. A parallel is drink driving. The law does not stop you from hopping in your…

Grat commented on Should Covid Rule Breakers Be Named and Shamed?
I don't think they deserve much more criminal punishment than exists now. I don't believe in shaming them. They do need to be named so that…

The Woolworths one come out fantastically in the air fryer (20 minutes at 200 degrees).

Grat commented on Can I Depart a Cruise Early?
I guess they would need some sort of customs clearance for luggage. People get chucked off cruises for all sorts of reasons ranging from…

Grat commented on What Would You Like to Do after You Retire?
I retired 5 years ago age 54. I bought a yacht and sailed up to the Whitsundays and back. Been on a few cruises. Your children and…

I am retired, live on 5 hectares and have 2 goats. I didn't realise I was living the dream.

Grat commented on How Much Do You Pay a Traffic Light Window Washer?
It is illegal. For starters it is dangerous to the car windscreen washer. Our roads and light controlled intersections are million dollar…

Have a read of the pds. Usually with landlords insurance the building insurance covers landlords contents up to a point. Probably all you…

Grat commented on Spare Modem for FTTN nbn
I use a vr600v router. Despite the low cost brand TP-Link, performance is good. Price a Fitch over at $160…

Does it only work with Xiaomi Aqara or does it work with other Xiaomi ZigBee devices. I have quite a few Xiaomi original Smart Human Body…

Grat replied to
Stingo on Samsung Galaxy Watch SM-R800 (46mm, Bluetooth, Silver) $249 ($225 via App) Direct Import @ Kogan

You would think it would either work or not. Maybe is a rubbish description.

Banks recently got in trouble for fee for no service at a Royal commission. The commissioner came close to referring the matter to the…

I agree you can't make them stop. However, their smoke is a nuisance at best and negligence at worse (if the smoke injures someone). Legal…

Grat commented on How to Stop Neighbours from Smoking?
Shut your window at night. Buy and eat prawns each week. Strategically place prawn heads your side of the fence. Maybe you can feed a…