Smart Meter +

Help For New Smart Meter Installation

I am in Sydney NSW and got my electrical meter switched over to a smart meter last week. The one installed is a Landis + Gyr E3555. It's got a green button on it also. My question is that I was …

Electricity Smart Meter Upgrade - Remove Remote Communication

I recently received an email notification that my electricity meter will be upgraded to a smart meter. I'd like to avoid the demand charges that some electricity providers charge if you have a …

[VIC] Powercor Meter Upgrade to Smart Meter

Is there such thing as wifi smart meter? Can you upgrade your existing meter? How much does it cost? Any route to get it upgraded for free? Is it wise to do it? Any gotchas? Thanks.

Smart Meter Upgrade – Should I Proceed or Opt out?

I received an email from Alinta (electricity retailer) today informing us that they will be upgrading our electricity meter into a smart meter. It will all be done free of charge. We have solar …

[VIC, NSW, SA, QLD] Free Smart Meter Upgrade Upon Customer Request @ GloBird Energy

Long Running [VIC, NSW, SA, QLD] Free Smart Meter Upgrade Upon Customer Request @ GloBird Energy

Since Globird likes to over-estimate my bills on their monthly cycle, I think smart meter would be a good way to combat that. I think some states already have mandatory smart meters so it's …