Electricity Smart Meter Upgrade - Remove Remote Communication

I recently received an email notification that my electricity meter will be upgraded to a smart meter. I'd like to avoid the demand charges that some electricity providers charge if you have a smart meter. There's an option to remove remote communication on the smart meter, which means a meter reader would have to attend the property to read the meter for each electricity bill.

Has anyone opted to remove remote communication and has this successfully avoided the demand charge. Do you then get charged a meter read as they can no longer do this remotely

My electricity contract says I waive the right to opt out of a smart meter, to that isn't an option unless I can find another provider

Any insights would be helpful


  • -2

    I recently received a notification

    Did it include the bonus tin foil hat?

  • +1

    Chances are you won't be able to avoid getting a smart meter. Are you also being forced onto a dynamic pricing plan?

    As for avoiding it, pick up solar, battery storage and maybe a generator for long periods without sun (eg: machines decide to scorch the sky).

  • +2

    you might be able to opt out of a meter upgrade. if you get a smart meter then you will most certainly be put on a plan with a peak demand component. i don't see how a removing the remote communication will help, it will store all the real-time data and then get downloaded when the meter gets read.

    • I thought that might be the case, but curious to see if anyone has had done this was able to confirm

      • +3

        I opted out of a smart meter upgrade when I got an email from my provider a couple years ago. It was a link hidden right at the bottom in small print.

        I figure if the provider wants to upgrade me for free it's not in my best interest

        • -1

          it's not in my best interest

          Then you can pay more for someone to come to your property to read the meter.

      • I (in NSW) opted out last wk. They (Alinta) advised if i went ahead with the smart meter my plan would need to change so I sent an email saying I wish to opt out. Got a replay the next day saying no probelms however there will be a stage in the future where i wont be able to opt out but for now theyre happy accpet my decision. They then went on to tell me all the benefits which to be honest seemed to be better for them

    • Not always, it depends on the Distributor. I'm with Endeavour and got Smart meter 3 years ago because of solar, still on single tariff with controlled load (with nothing connected to CL because I got a heat pump hotwater last year and run it on solar/EV rate).

    • +1

      I don't think this is accurate. There are many types of plans, single rate, time of use, Max demand. Smart meters can support any of these. Your provider may try and push you towards one, but there are likely other options, though you may need to look at other providers.

      Not having a remote connection would likely not prevent interval based charges. They would just pull them once a quarter instead of daily.

      I personally think the time of use plans are quite good, as they give you more control of your bill. You choose when to use electricity.

      I personally have a single rate plan with a remotely read smart meter.

  • +4

    I am in QLD as well. Our retailer upgraded our meter to smart meter when we installed solar system about three years ago.

    Dispite having the smart meter, we are still on single tariff plan with no demand charges (just checked our recent bill as well). So, i am guessing you can ask for a plan with no demand charges?

    • +3

      IN NSW, red energy says if I want the demand to go away, the tariff they'll put me on costs more per kwh. So i put up with it.
      Demand tariffs should be illegal, imo. Nothing but a cash grab.

      • +1

        I don't know much about demand tariff, but brief search seems to suggest it's nothing but trouble.

        I hope our retailer does not shift me into demand tariff in the future.

      • You could go to another retailer. I think NSW has about 20 (?).

      • I think you're seeing conspiracy where there is none. To my way of thinking, the electricity company needs to get $$ from you. They can get $$ from any different plan, and for an average person, the $$will be similar. Demand plan, Time of use, single tariff, whatever. You can try select one that works best for you. Eg, if you are able to shift your electricity usage to off peak, you would probably benefit from a tou or demand plan. If you can't/won't, and single tariff plan may be best.
        I personally dislike demand plans because they are difficult to understand. I don't think the charge would be significantly different between the types, but I can understand the others.

        From my experience, the best way to get a cheaper deal is to call the other mob, and ask for their best rate. Hang up. Wait for a call back with a better rate. Once you shift over expect a callback from the first group with a better deal. Continue the game as long as you care.

    • ABC did an investigation on it.

      Nothing but trouble is an understatement. I don't understand how they get away with this crap. Now they want to charge US for supplying THEM with electricity because the 'grid can't take it'.


  • +2

    i miss the old disc meters

  • You can avoid the 'demand' charges and electricity bills altogether by plugging things into your neighbour's house*.

    *Note that I will not be responsible if you get arrested for electricity theft!

    • +1

      Park BBQs and your neighbours pool pump power outlet. Works reasonably well, or so I've heard.

  • You can find all the information you need here at Stop Smart Meters or the International site Stop Smart Meters

  • Check our the guys from know your rights group and their work

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