PS3 Game +

PS3 Game
PlayStation 3 Games
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 PS3 $28.51 + $4.90 P/H

expired Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 PS3 $28.51 + $4.90 P/H

Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 PS3 $28.51 + $4.90 P/H Affiliate Link -

Shift 2: Unleashed - Xbox and PS3 -  $15 - Target

expired Shift 2: Unleashed - Xbox and PS3 - $15 - Target

Good deal, especially for a local copy...even cheaper than Zavvi's sale price a few weeks back. Available from Thursday. Link for PS3:

Mass Effect 3 (PS3) $62

expired Mass Effect 3 (PS3) $62

Cheapest Mass Effect 3 (PS3) in Australia from Millennius? I couldn't find it online cheaper.

PlayStation Network (PSN) Sale - ICO & Shadow of The Colossus $29.95, The Sly Trilogy $19.95

expired PlayStation Network (PSN) Sale - ICO & Shadow of The Colossus $29.95, The Sly Trilogy $19.95

**Title and Price(AU$)** ICO Classics HD* 18.95 Shadow of the Colossus Classics HD* 18.95 ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Classics HD* 29.95 Siren Blood Curse* 23.95

Rayman Origins PS3 $29.99 (Free Shipping) 360 Version $32.99

expired Rayman Origins PS3 $29.99 (Free Shipping) 360 Version $32.99

Like everything on OzGameshop, it's free delivery, you get the UK copy (I know, I've bought one) but since our consoles are PAL and Rayman won't get DLC it doesn't matter anyway.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood PS3 $16.74 + $4.90 P/H (Play Asia Weekly Special)

expired Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood PS3 $16.74 + $4.90 P/H (Play Asia Weekly Special)

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood PS3 $16,74 + 4.90 P/H Affiliate Link -

PlayAsia PS3 Slim - Final Fantasy XIII-2 Lightning Bundle Ver.2 320GB ~$479.61 AUD Shipped

expired PlayAsia PS3 Slim - Final Fantasy XIII-2 Lightning Bundle Ver.2 320GB ~$479.61 AUD Shipped

This deal was previously posted here but was sold out at that time. But now it is back and slightly cheaper with the current exchange rate.


expired Driver San Francisco; Shift 2 Unleashed - Xbox and PS3 ~ $16 Each Delivered - Zavvi Plus Others

Links for Driver on PS3 and Shift 2 Unleashed:

Ace Combat Assault Horizon LE (PS3, X360) $29 or Part of JB Hi-Fi's 2 for $40 (Free Shipping)

expired Ace Combat Assault Horizon LE (PS3, X360) $29 or Part of JB Hi-Fi's 2 for $40 (Free Shipping)

... also noticed some new editions to the 2 for $40 sale as well - Deus Ex: HR - Test Drive Unlimited 2 - Tomb Raider Trilogy (above also available for $29 each)


expired Batman Arkham City - PS3 and Xbox ~ $31; LA Noire - Xbox ~ $20.50 Delivered - Zavvi

Loved Arkham City, and this is a sweet price :D Links to PS3 Batman AC and LA Noire:


expired PS3 DJ Hero 2: Party Bundle $25 Delivered at BIGW (Wii & Xbox 360 Also Available)

PS3 DJ Hero 2: Party Bundle $25 Delivered at BIGW (Wii & Xbox 360 Also Available). Party Bundle includes 2 Turntables and Microphone with game.

Harvey Norman - Batman Arkham City Xbox/PS3 $38

expired Harvey Norman - Batman Arkham City Xbox/PS3 $38

Great game, not sure if you get codes from Harvey as you would want Catwoman and Robin DLC which you can get from JB so worth a price match.

Movie and Games Rental Subscription - Free 1 Month Trial Valued at $34.95 from Ezyflix

expired Movie and Games Rental Subscription - Free 1 Month Trial Valued at $34.95 from Ezyflix


Ezyflix is the only movie and game rental store you can access via the web.

LEGO Pirates of The Caribbean $18.79 + $4.90 P/H + More

expired LEGO Pirates of The Caribbean $18.79 + $4.90 P/H + More

LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean $18.79 + $4.90 PS3 Version Affiliate Link -

Gran Turismo 5 @ JB Hi-Fi $30.00

expired Gran Turismo 5 @ JB Hi-Fi $30.00

Hi first post, not because I think it's an absolute bargain, but more that I caused theearth's post to be deleted from this morning.

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 - PS3 ~ $23.50 Delivered - The Hut

expired Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 - PS3 ~ $23.50 Delivered - The Hut

Decent saving over JB's online price of $29 ; )

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga $15.85 + $4.90 P/H Plus More Titles on Sale

expired LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga $15.85 + $4.90 P/H Plus More Titles on Sale

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga $15.85 + $4.90 P/H PS3 Versiom Affiliate Link -


expired Street Fighter X Tekken Special Edition ~ $67.45 Delivered. Ninja Gaiden 3 CE ~ $98.39

With OHNX over, street fighter x tekken looks to be the next big game for tournaments.

PlayStation 3 160GB + 1 Game (Brink or Assassin's Creed) $299 - KMART Starts Thursday

expired PlayStation 3 160GB + 1 Game (Brink or Assassin's Creed) $299 - KMART Starts Thursday

** starts Thursday ** See page 5 of catalogue 160GB PS3 Console bundled with choice of "Assassins Creed 1 - Platinum Version" or "Brink".


expired Dark Souls Xbox 360 and PS3 ~$23.50 Delivered

This is the cheapest I have seen this game. I hear this game is good however have not gotten around to playing it.