Margarine +

½ Price: Flora Spread ProActive 250g $2.85, Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain 765g $5.40 & 283 More @ Woolworths

½ Price: Flora Spread ProActive 250g $2.85, Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain 765g $5.40 & 283 More @ Woolworths

Key summary: 285 Items on Sale in This Week's Catalogue, 285 ½ Price, 150 at Their Lowest since July. Here are the Woolworths (sneak peek) half-price specials, valid from Wednesday, 26 …

1/2 Price Wonder Dairy Blend or Dairy Free Vitamins & Omega - 3 Spread (Margarine) 400g $2.75 @ Woolworths

expired 1/2 Price Wonder Dairy Blend or Dairy Free Vitamins & Omega - 3 Spread (Margarine) 400g $2.75 @ Woolworths

Another Woolworths 1/2 Price find. I have my buttered Dairy Blend Popcorn ready for comments about vegetable oil, additives and processed foods. Good price for those who do use margarine. Dairy …

Coles ½ Price: Flora ProActiv 250g $2.85, Weet-Bix 575g $2.20, Borg's Spinach Pastizzi 1kg $4.60, Mutti Sugo 400g $2.40 + More

expired Coles ½ Price: Flora ProActiv 250g $2.85, Weet-Bix 575g $2.20, Borg's Spinach Pastizzi 1kg $4.60, Mutti Sugo 400g $2.40 + More

Coles half price specials, valid from Wed 11 October to Tue 17 October. Taken from the VIC metro catalogue. Bread & Bakery Was Now Save Discount Golden Crumpet Rounds 6 Pack …

Rama Original Spread 1kg $3.25 1/2 Price @Woolworths

expired Rama Original Spread 1kg $3.25 1/2 Price @Woolworths

This canola oil based table spread is half price at Woolworths only $3.25 for 1kg.

Coles ½ Price: Flora ProActiv 250g $2.85, SPC Baked Beans or Spaghetti $1.10, Birds Eye Oven Bake Fish Fillets 425g $5.25 +More

expired Coles ½ Price: Flora ProActiv 250g $2.85, SPC Baked Beans or Spaghetti $1.10, Birds Eye Oven Bake Fish Fillets 425g $5.25 +More

Coles half price specials, valid from Wed 14 June to Tue 20 June. Taken from the VIC metro catalogue. Bread & Bakery Was Now Save Discount Mr Kipling Fancies or Bakewell Tarts …

poll Butter or Margarine - Which Do You Use?

The preferred butter thread got me thinking as I usually have margarine with plant sterols. (Not for health reasons just happens to be whats in the fridge)

Coles ½ Price: Flora ProActiv 250g $2.25, John West Sardines 110g $1.40, Steggles SaltPepper Chicken Breast Fingers $4.25 +More

expired Coles ½ Price: Flora ProActiv 250g $2.25, John West Sardines 110g $1.40, Steggles SaltPepper Chicken Breast Fingers $4.25 +More

Coles half price specials, valid from Wed 10 March to Tue 16 March. Taken from the VIC metro catalogue. Bread & Bakery Was Now Save Discount Mr Kipling Fancies 8 Pack 205g …

Coles ½ Price: Flora ProActiv 250g $2.25, Patak’s Curry Paste 283g-312g $2.75, Belvita Coconut Bites 90g $2.35 + More

expired Coles ½ Price: Flora ProActiv 250g $2.25, Patak’s Curry Paste 283g-312g $2.75, Belvita Coconut Bites 90g $2.35 + More

Coles half price specials, valid from Wed 12 August to Tue 18 August. Taken from the VIC metro catalogue. No crumpets this week :( Meat, Seafood & Deli Was Now Save Discount …

[QLD] ETA Margarine 500gm $0.69 @ Drakes IGA (Was $2.66)

expired [QLD] ETA Margarine 500gm $0.69 @ Drakes IGA (Was $2.66)

ETA Margarine 500gm $0.69 @ Drakes IGA (Was $2.66) Use by Feb 2018

NQR -  Eta 5* Margarine 500g -  $0.80 (VIC)

expired NQR - Eta 5* Margarine 500g - $0.80 (VIC)

Eta 5* Margarine 500g is 80 cents at NQR until Sunday 12/2.

[Coles] 90 Cents for 250g of Fairy Diary Margarine Cooking @ Keysborough VIC (AUS Wide?)

expired [Coles] 90 Cents for 250g of Fairy Diary Margarine Cooking @ Keysborough VIC (AUS Wide?)

Not exactly sure what kind of margarine but it's very cheap margarine. Maybe it contains unicorn fairy dust to make fairy bread.

Flora Pro-Activ Spread 500g $3.49 Save $5.50 with 50% off Voucher at Woolworths

expired Flora Pro-Activ Spread 500g $3.49 Save $5.50 with 50% off Voucher at Woolworths

woolworths have done a price cut on flora pro-activ spread 500g from $8.99 to $6.99 combined with the voucher [previously listed by seijai]( this brings the pric

Flora Pro Active 50% off Voucher - Woolworths

expired Flora Pro Active 50% off Voucher - Woolworths

Fill in your name and email and download the pdf. On the last page has 50% off voucher to be used in Woolies Ok - I extracted the voucher - here it is