eBook +

An electronic book (variously, e-book, ebook, digital book, or even e-edition) is a book-length publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, and produced on, published through, and readable on computers or other electronic devices. Sometimes the equivalent of a conventional printed book, e-books can also be born digital. The Oxford Dictionary of English defines the e-book as "an electronic version of a printed book," but e-books can and do exist without any printed equivalent. E-books are usually read on dedicated e-book readers or general purpose computer tablets. Personal computers and many mobile phones (most smart phones) can also be used to read e-books.

expired Free Amazon eBooks: Self Help, Business, Travel and Kids

These eBooks are all free at the time of posting. enjoy! Make sure to check the price before purchasing, make sure it still shows as $0, these free eBooks expire quickly and it's very easy to …


expired FREE 4in1 eBook "ENCHANT: How to Write and Deliver Winning Speeches"

Book Description from Amazon Grab four bestselling books in one! This guide is the ULTIMATE guide to writing and delivering persuasive presentations and speeches. Books inside include: How to Deliver …


expired Free for Kindle (via Amazon) The Seven Day Green Juicing Detox

Every so often, I have to do something healthy. Does downloading count as exercise?

Kobo eBooks - 90% off Selected Titles

expired Kobo eBooks - 90% off Selected Titles


Got an email from kobo saying get 90% off selected titles. Could be the same as last time where i think everyone went a bit crazy. Good luck if you can find something you missed.


expired 7 FREE eBooks on Lean Management and Mistake Proofing

1) Winning Manufacturing Solutions - Optimizing Performance with Lean Strategies. Authors: Ronald Buckley, Lucinda Buckley. 273 pages. Published: Sep 4, 2012. Save …


expired FREE eBook: The 2014 Guide to Free PC Software

Book description from Amazon: Over 150 tried and tested superb free software titles compiled in an easy to view Kindle guide. Save hours and even days searching the Internet for the “Best of the …


expired The Phoenix Blade: Project Justice eBook Free on Amazon

The Phoenix Blade: Project Justice, an eBook by Andrew Hess, is free (from $15.00) on Amazon. My personal opinion of this one so far is "so-so". I have a "reader-writer rule" - …


expired eBook (Kindle) Free Book Promotion - Unstable Release by Scott Baxter @ Amazon

Free 3 day promotion - free download to Kindle. Book Description Magenta hoped to put her past behind her. A dream job in a new city is the fresh beginning that she so badly needs. The work is …


expired 11 FREE Kindle eBooks on Business, Management, Chemistry and Electronics

Edit4: Add 11) Digital Fundamentals. Edit3: Add 10) Inorganic Chemistry. Edit2: Add 9) Marketing Communications. Edit1: Add 8) Company Law. 1) Essentials of Operations Management: University of …


expired Hell up in Houston Free for Kindle @ Amazon

Houston has been called "a sprawling city of astronauts and cowboys, in the middle of a swamp." And now Jack Laramie, rural-wandering PI, is headed up that way after his faithless Desoto …


expired 25 Kindle Kids' Books for US $1 Each @ Amazon

Worth a try at a buck apiece. My children would certainly get a few reads out of each one. I've gone on a wild spending spree and bought 4 so far… (Note: you have to be signed into your …


expired Free Again Steal Softly Thru Sunshine (Amazon for Kindle)

Posted this before but think it's too good to miss (at least while it's free).


expired Free Book for Kindle (Via Amazon) by Charlie Williams

I love this guy's books - dark and very funny. Here's the blurb: Six stories from Charlie Williams, renowned author of the Mangel series. An ill-starred young man is frustrated by a faulty …


expired 11 FREE eBooks: Mktg, Supply Chain, Ops Mgmt, Org Behavior, Consumer Behavior, Sport Mgmt, etc

Edit 3: Added five new books. 7) Consumer Behaviour, 8) The Business of Sport Management, 9) Digital Marketing, 10) Research Methods for Business Students and 11) Exploring Public Relations. Also …

O'Reilly Save 60% off Microsoft Press E-Books

expired O'Reilly Save 60% off Microsoft Press E-Books


Microsoft Press is leaving O'Reilly, so they're having a sale on their e-books. Some bargains: Exam Ref 70-410: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 R2 was $31.99USD now …


expired "Thinking Fast and Slow" eBook: $2.99 on Amazon US (in Some Cases)

I've been meaning to get this book on Amazon for a while and it has been hovering around the $10 mark. I checked last night and it was at $2.99, an 81% discount. I'm pretty confident it …


expired FREE eBook - Job Interviewers: Get Inside Their Heads

Author: Jack Dermody. Length: 134 pages. Published: March 29, 2013. Save US$9.99. eBook is also free on Amazon AU (save A$6.23) and UK (save £6.58) …


expired "The ABCs of Money" Kindle eBook FREE @Amazon

Amazon offers Natalie Pace's The ABCs of Money Kindle eBook for free. (Save $18.95) Got good reviews on Amazon. "College students need this information before they get their first credit …


expired FREE eBook - Stage Climbing: The Shortest Path to Your Highest Potential (Save US $9.47) @ Amazon

Author: Michael S. Broder Ph.D.; Length: 312 pages; Published: Oct 11, 2011. Book Description (from Amazon): Stage Climbing is a book based on a highly innovative approach that its author, noted …


expired Anne of Green Gables Stories: 12 Books, 142 Short Stories FREE for Kindle @ Amazon

Anne of Green Gables Stories: 12 Books, 142 Short Stories, Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, Anne of the Island, Anne's House of Dreams, Rainbow Valley, Rilla of Ingleside, Chronicles and …