eBook +

An electronic book (variously, e-book, ebook, digital book, or even e-edition) is a book-length publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, and produced on, published through, and readable on computers or other electronic devices. Sometimes the equivalent of a conventional printed book, e-books can also be born digital. The Oxford Dictionary of English defines the e-book as "an electronic version of a printed book," but e-books can and do exist without any printed equivalent. E-books are usually read on dedicated e-book readers or general purpose computer tablets. Personal computers and many mobile phones (most smart phones) can also be used to read e-books.

expired 33 $0 Kindle Cookbooks: Juicing, Vegetarian, Snacks, Diets, etc

33 great cookbooks for your enjoyment. Each is handpicked with 4-star or better rating. Customer reviews are at the bottom of each book. Be quick, as these will expire without notice. Please make …

Scholastic Dollar Deals Sale for Teachers and Parents US $1 or More eBooks

expired Scholastic Dollar Deals Sale for Teachers and Parents US $1 or More eBooks

On again. "Our Dollar Deals are back for a limited time only. Choose from hundreds of teaching resources." Take note not all are a dollar, but still significantly cheaper than regular …

FREE: All-New 5th Edition Emergency First Aid eHandbook (Normally $11.99)

expired FREE: All-New 5th Edition Emergency First Aid eHandbook (Normally $11.99)

Here is the all-new, up-issued 5th edition of the First Aid handbook. Previous offer was for edition 4. Enter any details you like on the registration page. Or for a direct link without …


expired $0 eBooks: Master the Art of Photographic Composition, Posing Mastery & DSLR Photography for ...

1) Master the Art of Photographic Composition: How to Create Truly Artistic Photographs in 30 Simple Steps by Anne Darling, 100 pages, published Feb 10, 2014. US: …


expired 88 $0 Kindle eBooks: Novels, Money, Kids, Health, Spiritual, Food, Travel, Self Help, Home

A great list of 88 eBooks for your enjoyment. Each is handpicked with 4-star or better rating. Customer reviews are at the bottom of each book. Be quick, as these will expire without …


expired $0 eBooks: DSLR Photography for Beginners, Advanced Photography Techniques, ... [Kindle]

1) DSLR Photography for Beginners: Take Breath Taking Digital Photos! Your Complete Guide to Learning and Mastering Digital Photography by James Driver, save $3.99, published Aug 6, 2014 US: …


expired $0 eBook- Understanding DSLR Lenses: An Illustrated Guidebook [Kindle]

By Al Judge, 78 pages, published Jan 8, 2014 US: http://www.amazon.com/Understanding-DSLR-Lenses-Illustrated-... AU: http://www.amazon.com.au/Understanding-DSLR-Lenses-Illustrat... Amazon's …


expired FREE Kindle eBook: Negotiation Tactics - Levers, Guns & Sanctions: Pre Negotiation Moves to Brin

Negotiation Tactics - Levers, Guns & Sanctions: Pre Negotiation Moves to Bring Reluctant Parties to Collaboration Amazon book Description: Negotiation techniques are useful — unless the other …


expired $0 eBook: The Winning Investment Habits of Warren Buffett & George Soros .... [Kindle]

The Winning Investment Habits of Warren Buffett & George Soros: Harness the Investment Genius of the World's Richest Investors by Mark Tier, 272 pages, save $17.99, 4.4 stars from 50 …


expired 35 $0 Kindle eCookbooks: Paleo, Atkins, Desserts, Smoothies, Diabetes, etc (Save $111)

A nice list of 35 cookbooks for your enjoyment. Customer reviews are at the bottom of each book. Be quick, as these will expire without notice. Please make sure the book isn't back to full …


expired 10 $0 Minecraft eBooks: The Dawn of a New Eden & The Final Encounter Collections [Kindle]

This one's for the kids. 1) The Dawn of a New Eden (Complete Collection: 5 Books Full Series Bundle) By Minecraft Guru, 208 pages, save $9.99, published May 7, 2014 US: …


expired $0 eBook: Stunning Portrait Photography - Posing and Lighting! [Kindle]

By Dan Eitreim, 108 pages, save $8.92, 4.6 stars from 150 reviews, published Apr 9, 2012 US: http://www.amazon.com/Stunning-Portrait-Photography-Lighting... AU: …


expired $0 eBook - Zen, Truth and Spirituality for A Secular Society

Zen, Truth And Spirituality For A Secular Society explains what it is that makes Zen Buddhism so unique. Learn what those who practice Zen really think about. How does Zen Buddhism differ from other …


expired Free Lonely Planet eBooks on Amazon Kindle

Mostly europe and a few short cites guides. They are all free! US Store Link\ Mod: Titles not always free: Pocket Edinburgh Guide Some Top Ten guides Some 'My Top Five' guides

FREE Lonely Planet Guide eBook [Facebook Account Req'd]

expired FREE Lonely Planet Guide eBook [Facebook Account Req'd]

Free Lonely Planet Guide by playing UK or Away game by HSBC. 1. Play HSBC's UK or Away game. Simply identify the pictures. I don't think the score matters at the end. 2. After the game, …


expired 62 $0 Kindle eBooks: Novels, Money, Food, Kids, Humour, War, Photography (Save $220)

These 62 eBooks all have 4-5 star ratings. Customer reviews are at the bottom of each book. Be quick, as these will expire without notice. Please make sure the book isn't back to full price …

KOBO E-Books 90% off Coupon (Single book purchase only)

expired KOBO E-Books 90% off Coupon (Single book purchase only)


Code for 90% off an ebook in Kobo store (one purchase only, I think) that are eligible for purchase with a promo code (can filter books with this parameter in the store). This Code was sent in an …


expired $0 eBook: The Ultimate Book of Impostors [Kindle]

Amazon's Description: The Ultimate Book of Impostors tells the stories of more than a hundred of the boldest and most brazen impostors of the past 500 years. Their stories range from the …


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Leadership: Achieve Your Goals – Four Simple Leadership Principles For Everyone! AWESOME BONUS: Get two 100% free videos for goal-setting first, and then apply the four leadership principles. Do …


expired Free eBook (Kindle) Download - Diet Dungeon Dominatrix by Vanessa Trimis

Mystery Crime Thriller Until yesterday Amanda Frost was a top investigative journalist. Now she is downsized and out of a job in a media landscape disrupted by the internet. Her only option is to …