Mostly europe and a few short cites guides. They are all free!
Mod: Titles not always free:
Mostly europe and a few short cites guides. They are all free!
Mod: Titles not always free:
most seem to be always free… only about 30 pages too…
jv why are you absolutely obsessed and hell-bent on whether a post is a bargain or not? Do you actually appreciate when people go out of their way to post things on this site? If so, show it.
If you are a regular viewer of these deals, you notice the same issues. jv is very regular & knows what's what. And yes, there are positive responses, even humorous ones.
But a bargain is not a bargain if it is at the regular price. Most of these ebooks are free advertising for LP or tourism boards, & have been posted a few times before.
But i still believe he's racking up comments. lol for what reason…i'm not too sure.
jv is more than a viewer, post whore may be a more appropriate title.
(Just having a dig, were all mates here)
There are posting guidelines - if it's a regular price, like most of these, it's not a bargain. Same as price (including shipping) must be in deal title. jv does point out deal posting errors.
It's up to each OzBargainer what they think of that. If it is a serious breach, it usually gets reported to the MODs - you can see if it's awaiting their judgement against the "report" button. (1 pending)!!
I didn't give a + for this deal (but am tempted & now have), because all but 1 eBook I wanted were previously listed & I have them already in the Amazon cloud waiting for a read.
But comments to others (my) posts can be helpful. If it wasn't for univese93 pointing out the free full Edinburgh Travel Guide, I would have missed it among the regular free offerings!
So in this case jv (and I), are only partly correct (ie wrong) - but there is a gem offering amongst the usual freebies.
There are posting guidelines
For what it's worth, exactly half (9) of the eBooks listed in this post are always free, whilst the others have a Digital List Price (DLP), meaning they may/will be charged at any time.
The easiest way to tell, is to log out of your Amazon account (if you're logged in, you may not see the DLP), then click on the eBook and look for this. If it's there, then it's not always free.
Conversely, if the eBook is always free, it will look like this (no DLP).
Hope this helps explain.
I didn't know that. My bargain eyes are opened. I'll never look at Amazon eBook deals in the same way. Thanks :-)
As usual, tightarse - great advice on free offerings.
I don't mind what jv posts. He's making valid points.
Why bother with these pamphlets/teasers, when you can get a regular whole LP guide eBook FREE (currently selling for about $22 each, 150MB download)
The Lonely Planet Pocket Guide to Edinburgh on there is the full version and free. Plus for this you don't need a facebook account at least
You would turn down current full editions of backpacker classic guidebooks like
* Great Britain travel guide
* England travel guide
* Central America on a Shoestring
* Europe on a Shoestring
* South America on a Shoestring
* Southeast Asia on a Shoestring
* USA travel guide
* Australia travel guide
or maybe
* Scotland travel guide (to go with Edinburgh)
just because of FB (and a much more complex purchase process of 2 codes & 3 sites)?? Picked up 4 full travel guides fairly quickly.
I downloaded Edinburgh (its the only free full "Travel Guide" there), but ones like Philippines states it was a special production for their tourist board & others are listed as "Free Sampler" - so always free.
you have 4 facebook accounts? damn man…those poor girls…
Thanks OP. Any way to buy multiple items in Amazon kindle and checkout? An add to cart checkbox / button may be?
I'm not sure how much we can trust these books, I mean they have "Top Ten Sights: Brisbane". We all know there are not 10 things to see in Brisbane!
You will normally find when you know anything about the destination, that these books are hopeless.
Regarding Brisbane though, I think they are missing a word, "Top Ten Corruption Sights: Brisbane".
There are several other alternatives that could be put in there though.
I wasn't interested in any of the free titles.
As a Bribanian. I resent that ;-)
Full version LP Travel Guides may be one starting place for travel inspiration. You can get a good general overview of a location, then go beyond that with other sources and your own experiences. I find them helpful - I can 'hit the ground running' while others are floundering trying to understand the basics of a country.
But they are out of date, can't answer your questions like online forums, so are often not a good source for fast changing topics like accommodation. Heard too many people in Myanmar arguing over prices - as they were not anything like listed in their 'bible'. Agh!
Ah, Melbournians just are so closed & limited in their world view, while thinking they know it all (those are the worst traits for successful travel, no matter where you live). But that's a stereotype, isn't it?
In my OS travels, I continually correct locals idea that Melb is the capital of Australia - they were told that by people from Melbourne.
But Melb is one of those few places in the world where people have to tell each other how good their place is & find joy in rubbishing most other places. I have encountered quite a few Melbournians setting out prove their biases that everywhere else fails to measure up - very weird behaviour in a traveller. (Just stay at home drinking your coffee, and leave travel for those who love it.) I have been told how wonderful the (often terrible & unpredictable) weather is - best in the world. (Sterile Singapore takes that even further with signs telling locals of how good it is to live there. LKY did an effective brainwash.)
Melbournians are strangely unaware of their thinking / behaviour, as it is so normal it does not get examined. I put it down to too much team sport there, where loyalty to the team/City is paramount ;-)
Unfortunately when travelling it is difficult to appreciate local differences with your head up your own arse. That is of course not limited to just loyal Melbournians.
You need open eyes (& all the senses) to really travel, not closed preconceptions.
Now what were those 10 sights of Brisbane - at least we're a self effacing mob.
Hmm I'm from Melbourne too. Cookie?
FYI, some of these guides are researched one or two years before they are printed and many things can change, I've found to be a huge help. It's essentially the top recommendations from all the travel guides with recent updates on closures/new management of hotels/hostels, etc.
The maps however are useful as most things stay put.
Are they reduced or are they always free ?