eBook +

An electronic book (variously, e-book, ebook, digital book, or even e-edition) is a book-length publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, and produced on, published through, and readable on computers or other electronic devices. Sometimes the equivalent of a conventional printed book, e-books can also be born digital. The Oxford Dictionary of English defines the e-book as "an electronic version of a printed book," but e-books can and do exist without any printed equivalent. E-books are usually read on dedicated e-book readers or general purpose computer tablets. Personal computers and many mobile phones (most smart phones) can also be used to read e-books.

expired $0 Today Only - Warren Buffet Life Changing Lessons and Other Amazon Kindle eBooks

This is free in Amazon Kindle for TODAY ONLY! 12-29-2014! Enjoy! Might as well check the other free eBooks listed in Amazon Kindle eBooks. Warren Buffett: Life Changing Lessons of Warren Buffet for …

Free Harper Collins eBooks

expired Free Harper Collins eBooks

Received in email. Some of the titles seemed interesting. Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz The Ice Princess by Camilla Lackberg Burnt Ice by Steve Wheeler A Pretty Mess by Carla Caruso Destined to Play …


expired 85 $0 Kindle eBooks: 17 Various Categories

Haven't posted any eBooks in a while, so here's another instalment of 85 for your enjoyment. I've done my best to check each one and make sure they're free on posting, but please …


expired Free eBook: Losing Weight: an on Hand Weight Loss Counselor for Better You

This book is all about the latest research findings about weight loss techniques. By adding these simple tips and illustrations in your daily life you can get maximum results. It includes the basics …


expired FREE Amazon Kindle eBook - Secret Cruise Tips for The First Time Cruiser

Helping a mate publicise his new Amazon Kindle eBook available for FREE for a strictly limited time till 29/12/2014. Thought it would be especially useful as its holiday season now and some of us …


expired FREE eBook - Mommies Making Money Online - Learn to Build, Run and Grow an Online Business

*** Never Before in History Has it Been so Easy to Open an Online Business *** The explosion of the global connected economy allows anyone with an internet connection the ability to buy and sell …


expired Free for Kindle (Via Amazon): Ip Dip Sky Blue (a Romantic Novella)

When Jack Swallow finishes university, he applies for a coveted job at the British Library. Jack’s world is thrown upside down when he arrives for his interview early and sees that his girlfriend …


expired Free Kindle eBook for Kids Aged 8-12 Telepathic Elves, Evil Clones, Ooh and Cupcakes

Kindle Ebook for kids aged 8-12. The first in a sci fi trilogy, free for 5 days in preparation for the release of the final book entitled "Stellarcadia." Due out Jan 30 2015. Available in …


expired How to Learn a Language Using Free Resources (Free Book on Amazon)

Great eBook free for a few days on the Amazon online store. US Link

Freebies and Specials from Apple This Week

expired Freebies and Specials from Apple This Week

Some good deals from Apple this week. This is a collection of deals sourced from the various Apple digital stores: movies, TV shows, music, books, and apps. I especially like The Lord of The Rings …


expired $0 Beginners Digital Photography Book, The PhotoGuides to Photography, Photography Hacks (Kindle)

Beginners Digital Photography Book Are you tired of taking bad pictures? Do you want to learn the simple basics of taking a photography so that you can start taking those fantastic photos that will …

eBook - Take Control of Your Online Privacy (Free, US $10 Normally)

expired eBook - Take Control of Your Online Privacy (Free, US $10 Normally)

1Password have arranged for its users to get this ebook free. Main link is a PDF, but here it is …


expired Free eBook: Growing Fruit trees: The Essential Guide To Growing Fruit Trees in Your Own Garden

This is a book that can serve as a complete guide to plantation. From the planting of a tree to taking care of it, this is a book that will help you in all matters. How you should plant a tree and in …


expired FREE eBook: Dating & Interviewing - How Improving One Skill Improves Other

Looked interesting, not sure how long it will stay free.. Grab while its free :) AU US

KOBO eBooks 35% off - Ends Monday Midnight Australia Time

expired KOBO eBooks 35% off - Ends Monday Midnight Australia Time


Unlimited 35% OFF: Discount code is valid for an unlimited use coupon for 35% off select eBook purchases from this page and on select lists. Discount will be confirmed at checkout. Offer valid from …


expired 10 $0 Amazon eBooks for Limited Time Only (Ketogenic Diet, Marathon Diet, Brain Training etc.)

Didn't post any Amazon Kindle eBooks yesterday. 10 awesome nonfiction interest books for free as of the moment. Please be sure to double check the buy now button as it may return to its original …


expired Dominate Basketball: 11 Ways To Become A Basketball Star [$0 e-Book]

Basketball in its purest form is perhaps the ultimate team game, the performance of a team depending greatly on the individual contributions of each of its’ 5 players. While an exceptional player …


expired 9 $0 eBook for a Limited Time Only (Gardening, Toddlers, Losing Weight, Wilderness etc)

Below are some list of awesome free eBooks to download. Currently it is FREE and won't stay for a loooong time. Kindly double check before clicking the buying now button as it might return to …


expired Free eBook: Comforting Winter Soup Recipes: 33 Tasty, Quick and Easy Soup Recipes

Comforting winter soup recipes: 33 tasty, quick and easy soup recipes for wintertime Hearty, Low Calorie Winter Soups to Impress Family and Friends!

Packt Publishing US$5 eBook Bonanza

expired Packt Publishing US$5 eBook Bonanza

Been waiting for this one… Packt is a publisher of IT-related works. All eBooks and videos from their huge library are only US$5 each until 6 Jan, 2015.