Not a special per se - but a bloody good price anyway. RRP at Ezydvd - $119
Amazon price - 15 pounds delivered (around $22), including postage (free postage has finished).
Police Academy The Complete Collection 1-7 Box Set picked one up for the kids on the next school holidays. Seems to be a pretty good deal with free postage.
I was offered this 50% off deal when cancelling my 2 months free trial that was started from a coupon over the 2011 Xmas Break, I'm sure a lot of people are using this and possibly renewing the server
Amazon is having a big Simpsons DVD sale. All prices in USD.
The Simpsons: The Complete First Season - $12.99
The Simpsons: The Fourteenth Season - $16.99
This is one of Amazon UK's deals of the week and even though they no longer offer the free postage deal (boo hiss!) this still seems a reasonable deal should you be interested in this particular show.
Hi guys,
Just thought i'd show you some cheap dvds on big W's website.
The dvds actualy say they cost $0 but they dont because you have to pay $2 shipping.
The dvds include:
I missed out on the cheap Crucial SSD from Amazon :(
But found this gOLD bOX dEAL instead.
Worked out to $80.37AU delivered with expedited international shipping
Name-A-Game AFL DVDs are having a sale - almost all DVDs are $10. The exclusions are 2012 games and any games they have to re-master (basically the rare games that no one else has ordered before).
Nothing overly spectacular but Firefly is great at around $17.55, LOTR b/r around $22 (no, not the extended), Serenity b/r around $10, AC/DC b/r around $11.20, Seasons of LOST at $19.75 and plenty of
All remaining DVD's & CD's are 40% off as they are no longer stocked at this store.
They are planning to send whatever hasnt sold in the next couple of days to Southland.
Mostly DVD's, some blu-ray's. Some of the stuff i've seen so far;
Rebuild of Evangelion 1.0 DVD - $8.99
Summer wars blu-ray - $20.99
Perfect Blue DVD - $7.99