Philips CitiScape Uptown +

Philips CitiScape Uptown
Brand Philips
Type Headphones
Philips CitiScape Collection Uptown Headphones $49.98+ $4.95Shipping @ DSE

expired Philips CitiScape Collection Uptown Headphones $49.98+ $4.95Shipping @ DSE

In light of all the headphones, I have another one at a reasonable price(RRP: $179). Yes, it has been $46 down to $2x @ HN, but that was a long time ago. Also the deals in the past were either black …

Philips CitiScape Uptown with BONUS Music Colors Earbuds for $59.95 Delivered

expired Philips CitiScape Uptown with BONUS Music Colors Earbuds for $59.95 Delivered

CitiScape headphones are a creative collaboration with urban people form different cities and varied lifestyles.