V Card (Virtual Visa Card ??)

Has any one used the new V Card, virtual Visa Card for on line payments?
I saw them for sale in Oz Post the other day and they seem like a good idea but not sure how they work. Do you get an actual card? I suppose they are safer than using your own card.

If you have used one please let me know.


(Edited by scotty — it would be a good idea to include a link to Virtual VCARD)


  • Do you get an actual card?


  • Well prepaid visa cards havent got a good history


    BOPO went down the gurgler as axl3 would already know having been a proponent/user of that card as well.

    axl3 doesnt show any other postings here besides these prepaid visa cards

    See the 20th posting in the BOPO thread.


    Does this mean that the Vcard is Bopo revived??? or does axl3 just have a fixation about these prepaid cards or maybe found a new job with V

  • jsut a bit more sleuthing

    New Visa Prepaid offer for newsagents
    June 27th, 2008 ยท 1 Comment

    SCX Global, newsXpress and Tower Systems are thrilled to launch four Visa Prepaid card products through our eziPass platform. CANVAS, VCARD, Just4 and Secure Cash Xpress provide newsagents with competitive products for several demographics. Commission on each card sale is between 30% and 40%. Commission on reload is five times the commission for BOPO.

    The four new Visa Prepaid products available on eziPass are:

    CANVAS, a reloadable Visa Prepaid card for everyday personal use. Great for teens and small business expenses.

    VCARD, a Visa number, no plastic, for easy and safe shopping online, by phone or mail-order.

    Just4, the perfect gift card. Can be redeemed where Visa Prepaid is accepted.

    Secure Cash Xpress, 2 linked Visa cards - top up in Australia, redeem overseas. Perfect for sending money regularly to friends and family overseas.
    Further information and sign-up forms are available here. The only requirement is that newsagents are using eziPass. More than 600 newsagents partner with eziPass already.

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