• expired

Bopo Prepaid VISA card for free (normally $14.95)


Just saw these posters plastered all over the Uni ("pre" O-week). Poster came with a tear-off tag with the promo code.

The poster claims that you can purchase an uncharged BoPo Prepaid VISA card (normal value $14.95) for free using the promo code.

Might be useful for internet purchases if you don't want to use Paypal? Plus they're rechargable and look pretty cool =)

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closed Comments

  • Biggest show-stopper for bopo — fees!!


    Recharging your card costs $1. Buying things online/offline costs you $$. transfer between cards costs you $$ and you have to do it because if your old card expires, it costs you $5/month!

    Some banks offer annual-fee waived credit card to uni students with very low credit limit ($500?)

    • Geesh, the fees are terrible. I guess they're trying to fool students in need of instant VISA cards.

  • The idea is good, but not very practical.

  • well anz visa cards cost you $6/month…unlimited transactions though…

  • Just use ur saving account and ask for a visa debet card. works like a visa card but using money in ur savings account and has no extra charges.

  • that still cost $6 / month …and is cheaper than using BOPO cards…unless you're visiting as tourist?

  • Uni student get free streamline and no annual fee credit card from commbank anyway.
    Thanks but no thanks.

  • ah you're right…

  • get citibank visa gold card which comes with free annual fee forever :)
    there should be a link for that offer somewhere here: http://www.frequentflyer.com.au/community/citibank-rewards-p…

  • Its targeted at UNI students … Im sure lots may qualify for gold cards but I sure as heck didnt when I was a student ;-)

    Overall I agree with kingwang - find a card through a bank (normal account) with visa attached. Still, you can never breed consumers young enough these days … imagine what you've started when you hand one of these over to your 10 year old kid :-D

  • I guess the issue is whether or not this is a bargain. $14.95 off is not always a "bargain". its like the ebay specials save but pay more on shipping. As PW2002au says it's targeted at UNI students and those less fortunate in terms of financial ability, which is in itself very unfair as they are the least able to pay.

    They would then use this for lower value transactions, so the fees per transactions would be high in percentage terms. So why would you need this card? Why not pay cash? If you "need" to buy overseas then there's Paypal. If they dont take Paypal, then find another seller.

    This is a BARGAIN site and really this is NOT a bargain - its "convenient' and its cheaper than normal, but to me that does not qualify as a bargain, now i must be careful, in that my bargain is not always the same as anyone else's hence my non vote rather than a negative one, but I may change my mind….

    • Well said. It is not a cheap card to own, nor can it be qualified as a "bargain", and I have been hesitated to take it off as it has already gain a significant number of positive votes…

  • Put it this way…it is only a bargain if someone was already intending to obtain one of these evil cards…
    A comb given free to a bald man is useless, regardless of the value of the comb…

  • I guess this is a good lesson to me to read the fee schedule before posting something like this. I had no idea what a rip-off these are and didn't do my research.

    After reading all the comments, I agree with OzPete. I won't be upset if Scotty pulls this deal. Although it might be a good idea to leave it up so others can be warned. I WOULD be upset though, if anyone actually gets one of these BoPo cards.

    Sorry all, hope no-one fell into the trap (accidental on my part)…

  • Hi, I’m the Marketing Manager at bopo. It’s great to see some interest (and some positive votes) for the bopo card! On the subject of fees, the most important fees to be aware of are $1 to load and 25 cents per purchase in Australia. There are other fees, see http://www.bopo.com.au/schedule_of_fees_latest.aspx. Obviously, the best way to minimise fees is to load larger amounts less often and minimise the number of times you pay the $1 fee. There are no set monthly fees, you just pay as you go.
    Importantly, the bopo card IS a Visa, but ISN’T a credit card (it’s prepaid only) and it ISN’T a debit card (it’s not linked to any bank account). Some people find it useful that you can’t run up debt (or interest charges) on it; also that because it’s not linked to any other account you can limit your risk online (just load what you want to spend). Bopo also links nicely with your mobile phone – you can get a balance on your phone, SMS money to mates who have a bopo, and pay bills. See the site for more info…if you’re interested in trying bopo type OWEEK into the promo code panel on the home page and fill out the online application. As mentioned above, you’ll get the card for free.

    • Thanks for joining & explaining some things that are confusing about the Bopo card (even though we know most of these things already).

      Could you be able to do a exclusive deal for OzBargain - we just love them?

    • Wow, really appreciate your time. It does sound practical for students who aren't allowed/ready for a real VISA card yet but probably not suitable for working people who are already using a fee-free debit/credit VISA card.

      But I do agree with Jeff, an exclusive deal for OzBargain will surely boost Bopo market in the online community! :)

  • it's not really a bargain.Hidden fees and charges makes the card bloody expensive.
    exclusive deal from BOPO that waives everything is not possible as the company won't survive for zero fees and charges.
    Best remedy for the people who want a really free visa card are:
    1. If you are a student, go to NAB, open a tertiary student account, then a debit visa or master(I can't remember) card will be issued an linked to your student saving account free of charge.

    2.If you do not qualify as a student, then go to HSBC. Open an online saving account, then apply a free debit visa linked to your saving account.It's absolutely free and no minimun balance requirement.(However, if your balance is below a certain amount, you won't qualify for the high interest). All you need to bring are just your IDs to meet the 100 points ID check.

    • Great advice. Thanks!

  • Strange thread!! None of you seem to have used the card??

    I have a Bopo card. Got it last year when I saw it on MTV but I got the picture card instead of the MTV one. I have picture of my dream beach shouse on it and I love it. My girlfriend is up in QLD most weeks (she has one too) and I can send her money from my card with SMS. I can even lock the card when I surf. The fees are ok for me but you do need to load reasonable amounts. I just checked my last statement and nearly all fees are 20 cents??? Last months fees were less than $5 and I use the card all the time.
    Only catch is if you find someone who has the old fashioned card swipe, it has no raised letters so it just doesn't work. But I reckon they are not that safe anyway.

    If you don't use the card then you don't pay so what's the big deal. Get's my vote every time. If it's free, it's free.

    I kicked my ANZ card as they hit me for $70 for late fees. And I had a nightmare stopping debits.
    That's more than a year of bopo fees… thanks!!

    • Strange comment - inferring you have to use card to make a comment -

      Then to compare the ANZ card - which was a post paid Visa rather than compare another Debit card like the Nab or HSBC. Compare like with like to determine if its a good deal. in fact maybe wake up and instead of defending this ripoff, thank the others here for showing you ways to save even more

      I also find it even stranger that you havent posted any comment on any other deal here at ozbargain, meanwhile you think this is a great bargain andd somehow while you were surfing you somehow blundered upon this site - sorry guess you pre-empt all your surfing with Bopo - please go back to DOPO

      Now given this a negative vote as its obviously a scam

  • Hey Axle there is a compasny that helps you get your bank fees back www.bankbreakers.com or could be .au
    Not sure how they do it but its supposaed to work.

    My Bopo card is a lifesaver. I got it to use online and don't use all the time but it works and ….credit cards are evil… I know. I like Bopo because its not a bank or owned by a bank. Debit cards are still linked to your account.

    I think I paid $25 for mine??? Maybe its cheaper now…. and you pay fees if you use it.. no use, no fees

    • Again maybe its better to call these DOPO. No use no fees - what about the only way to get money on the card is to pay a load fee, and I guess the $25 you THINK you paid is not a fee. And if you read the post you would see it is now "cheaper' - again why no other post/comment/vote here from obviously such a great bargain hunter as yourself.

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