Huawei Y100, G300, G300+ Unlock Codes $5

Unlock codes to unlock the Huawei Y100,G300,G300+ mobile phones.
Unlock codes usually take overnight but can take up to 48 hours.
Payment by Paypal [email protected]
Just send me your IMEI and email address


  • Hi,
    Vodafone could not find my IMEI on their system. If I give u my IMEI would you be able to unlock it.

    Huawei G300+

    • Yeah… most of the ones I have done have been like that.

      • Thanks. Will get back to you once I get response from Vodafone.

  • Can you unlock Nokia C2-05's?

  • Hi Bagman,
    Can you unlock Huawei ascend Y201?

  • Do you still provide unlock codes?

    I was looking to get


  • Also, do you just provide unlock codes for Vodafone?

    How about Telstra or Optus prepaid locked phones?

  • My apologies… I should have closed this thread down ages ago.
    I am still doing them but the price is now $5.49.
    Refer to
    Matt aka Bagman

    • was trying to contact you via email and private message. but didn't see you reply. was trying to find out if you are still doing for HTC desire 300 (under telstra) thanks

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