Huawei Ascend Y201 Unlock Codes $5.49

Unlock codes to unlock the Huawei Y201 provided within 24-48 hours.
Payment by Paypal [email protected]
just send me your IMEI and email address

Unlock codes work for all model Huawei mobile phones and modems.
There maybe delays with receiving codes over weekends.

Update 29/05 OP has changed the price to $5.49. See this comment


  • Thanks! Phone Unlocked

  • +1

    Before ordering an unlock code, put in a non telstra sim card to test to see if the mobile is locked or not.
    Sounds like some of them are unlocked and do not need unlocking.

  • My codes for my Y201 only took around 8 hours to arrive … ccwwayne codes took less then that to arrive.
    I put that time frame in as sometimes "things" happen and there are delays.

    The codes when they arrive have 4 lots of 16 digits, so I gather they are like your seller
    1st code - Network code (Network PIN)
    2nd and 3rd codes are SP codes (Service Provider PIN)
    4th LAST code is the Sim block/Reset code (In case if your phone is Hardlocked)

    The codes I get will be the same as where your person gets his from .. I bet you they will be the same unlock codes for the same IMEI, as they are supposedly Factory codes.

    • Do you supply full instructions on how to actually unlock it?

      And which of the codes you send is the actual code we use to get rid of telstra?

      I just have to find the imei …… i think its on the carton

      thank you

      • Instructions are sent with the unlock codes, and which code to use.
        The IMEI is under the battery, on the box or you can type *#06#

        The code unlocks it from the Telstra network so you can use it on other networks.

  • yes for the same IMEI must be same codes, difference is that there are some sellers just selling 1 code which is risky cause some operator do require 2 set of codes, So i would advise to get them All level as i got for mine

    • -1

      just wanted to say thanks - i went with ur site korter (it was posted on the y201 thread and on whirlpool - and I and everyone else who did went thru u got it in under 24h as promised.
      nice to see you on here in person (figured it is same person from the billing name lol)
      Unlocked my huawei modems for free, but alas no such service for phones :( awesome that both of you OzBers do the ~$5 thing

  • Can you unlock Pocket Wifi Pro? (Vodafone)

    • Can you email me the IMEI number and I will try it ?

      • Is the offer still available?sorry what is ime number?thankyou

        • Its still open … each phone has their own IMEI number and it can be found on the label where the battery goes or type *#06# on the key pad.

  • Info sent,

    It will be my pleasure to get rid of that stupid lock to telstra

    Well worth $5 if it works ok.

  • Hi. l would like to get it unlock as well, sending payment and info now

  • That was easy!

    Phone unlocked.

    Thank you Bagman,

    well worth $5 aussie

    • No worries !

  • :)

  • Thank you Bagman!

    Quick and painless. :D

  • Thanks Bagman. It took 7 hours. I didn't expect the code until tomorrow. Yay I have a working phone!

  • Thanks Bagman, add Vodafone Pocket WiFi Pro to the list of devices you can unlock.


  • Bagman, can you unlock Telstra ZTE T12? Thanks

    • Can you contact me by email ?

      • Can do the unlock codes for Telstra Uno ZTE T12 for $13 !

        • how to order the unlock codes for ZTE T12 and Huawei Y201. Thx

        • Make a Paypal payment to [email protected] with the IMEI numbers.
          Also just add type beside each IMEI eg T12 "IMEI number", y201 "IMEI number"

        • can you please help me unlock my huwei201.thankyou

        • Just log into your Paypal account and make a $5.49 payment to [email protected]
          Please include the phones IMEI and your email address with the Paypal payment.

  • Hey bagman, just sent payment.. Cheers

    • Received …. email sent !

  • Hi, just sent payment. Please send code to email address in comments, not paypal address.

    • Thanks, payment received … will use the other email to send the unlock codes when I get them.

  • Has my code come in yet? Hoping to get it before tonight to set up my daughter's new mobile for school tomorrow (in case she needs it). :)

    • I usually get the unlock codes around 3 pm and 9 pm each day but I didnt get any back yesterday.
      I am hoping to get them in a couple of hours or later this evening and will keep you posted.
      I am in Brisbane if you need it unlocked straight away … have also sent you an email.

  • Ok please send through as soon as you get it.

    • Email sent with the codes … and my son is hoping his school dont open from all the flooding around the place.

  • Hey bagman, I'm still waiting for my codes, have they arrived yet? Thanks

    • I emailed them to you about an hour or 2 ago … anyway sent a message with them by here.
      If you dont get them, I will post the unlock code in here.
      Just let me know, thanks.

  • All good bagman, got it now… Many thanks

  • Thanks Bagman ( for the codes),
    Now my Y201 is working on Live Connected (Optus) as good as Optus can be ( with its coverage).
    All the best!

  • Hi Bagman, Sent paymnet by paypal. please send codes to emial address in comments.

    • no problem, will email them as soon as I have receive them.

  • Top service and highly recommended.

    Thanks, Bagman. :)

  • Thanks Bagman, got the codes and unlocked the phone.
    Appreciate prompt response.

  • Thanks Bagman. All done and dusted within the timeframe.
    When I work out how to do it I will give you a vote +

  • Unlock worked without a hitch. Thanks. Can use in UK later this year now :-)

  • Have messaged you Bagman

  • Requested and paid for unlock code this morning. Received the same day and worked fine. Thanks Bagman.

  • No more orders will be taken as there are now delays getting the unlock codes due to the Chinese New Year.

    The unlock codes are back online, but expect a delay of up to 48 hours for the code due to the Chinese New Year.
    Also, unlock codes are available for all other Huawei mobiles phones and modems just let me know what model when sending the IMEI.

  • If anyone is interested in some black rubber cases (posted from Brisbane) or screen protectors for this phone (I couldn't find any on eBay in OZ). I have a bunch going on ebay that are the surplus. I bought a bunch from China for myself and couple of friends, but have lots of extras I want to get rid of.


  • johneliot1978,
    Order a case and screen from ya

  • +1

    Just submitted a request for a Pocket Wifi Pro and I had my unit unlocked 15 minutes later. Thanks for the excellent service!

  • Phones are back on sale at Coles! yay!

    I have more cases on the way, message if interested.

    • yes … all Huawei mobiles and modems.

        • $5 for mobiles, modems can be negotiable.

  • :)

  • +1

    Hi Bagman, just bought a Y201. Can you unlock it please??

  • I'm unsure how you make the PayPal payment though…do you go into your PayPal acc to do it?

    • Have sent you a message.

  • Hello Bagman,
    I want to unlock my Huawei Y201 phone from Telstra network.
    How to pay using paypal, i'm new to this?

  • hi Bagman, I have just sent u an email with IMEI code. Can you please let me know your paypal email id. thanks

  • Message sent.

  • i've requested for a second unlock for another phone :)

  • Bagman, can I ask you for a quote on the Vodafone Huawei G300+?

    • Huawei mobile phones are all the same price, $5.

  • Hi Bagman, I had sent an email to your hotmail account to request assistance on the y201, can you help please. Many thanks.

    • I have not received your email and have sent you a message on here.

  • Hi, just sent $5 for phone unlock. Cheers.

  • Hi Bagman, I had sent an email to your hotmail account to request unlock code for Huawei Ascend Y201, could you help me please. Thank. Ali

    • +1

      Got it and have emailed a reply back.

      • Hi, I already sent $5 and wait for your response. thanks. Ali

  • I have some spare batteries for this phone for $11 incl postage at…

    I'm in Brisy.


    • Do you have any more plastic back cover and screen protect for sell?

  • Bagman still here?

    My Y201 displayed

    Emergency calls only
    SIM network unlock PIN

    IS it mean the phone still locked with Telstra? But it should be unlocked.

  • Send me an email [email protected]

    • sent before, please check

      • Havent received it … can you message me on here or post your email ?

        • Hi,

          I just bought a 2nd hand HUAWEI ASCEND Y201, the seller said it is originally locked with Telstra but he unlocked.

          But when I received the phone and put my Vodafone SIM in it. It display

          Emergency calls only
          SIM network unlock PIN




          Did it mean the phone still locked with Telstra?
          Can you unlock it again?

          Do you accept directly deposit to your bank acc.?

        • emailed to [email protected] again, please check

        • Its still locked to Telstra and I will need the IMEI number to get the unlock code for it.
          Paypal is much quicker then Bank deposit…. do you have a yahoo email addy ? for some reason I never get all emails sent to me from there.
          You can try and email me on [email protected] as well.

  • Hi Bagman are the new vodafone pocket wifi extremes able to be unlocked?

    • Thanks for confirming it unlocks the R208 for me !

  • Just sent you $5 for an unlock code for a huawei y201 from idolise at, cheers!

    • +1

      Got it … will let you know when its done.

  • Hi Bagman,

    Sent $5 to unlock huawei y201 with IMEI number from ripan dot arora at Please unlock.

    • Got it … will let you know when its done.

  • hi sent payment and amount from: m someting 30, kindly send me the code please

    • Have sent you an email.

      • Got the code and unlocked the phone, Thanks

  • jake__isaac at hotmail just sent you an email.
    i put my second email in the message just in case. jacobvincentisaac at gmail


    • Have sent an email to the gmail one

  • Hi! I just sent you an email with my second email kitty_cat_rulz at hotmail in the message. Thanks!

    • Got it and sent an email back.

  • Hi Bagman, emailed you from [email protected]

    • Got it and have sent an email.

      • Thanks man, code totally legit. Love your work

  • Wow ive never just paid like that from paypal. very interesting and it just works? anyway email from [email protected]

    • Have got the payment but I also need the phones IMEI to get the unlock code for you.
      Have sent you an email.

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