2 Ex Display Games Fo $19 . there are 401 product for you to choose from .
Pls dont expect a great deal but decent collection . Always wondered how they get deliver within 4-5 days from UK .
includes ps3 , xbox 360 ,Wii , psp , ds and ps2 .Enjoy
2 Ex Display Games Fo $19 from 401 Products (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, DS, Psp and Ps2) Delivered
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closed Comments
Fo' shizzle, mah nizzle…
what is an ex display game?
its photo was displayed on the website XD
Be extra cautious of what game(s) you are interested in.
"Instruction manuals, guides, downloadable or online accessible content listed on the product, are not guaranteed to be included."
Other than that, this is a pretty good deal. Not sure about the PS3, but scratched/marked Xbox 360 discs aren't the most trustworthy things. Bad experiences in the past and given that OzGameShop is in the UK, a return and possible refund will feel like an eternity. :p
I understand they are cheap but at least on the PS3 side, what a dismal collection! :( Imagine being a storeholder having to hang on to that stock though? agonizing, ugh!
Yeah, I call BS on that tbh. In my experience Ozgameshop have been excellent with faulty items and a missing parcel.
I can't believe anyone can take that video seriously….
I cant believe anyone didnt see the humour ffs lol
Yeah fo sure