OzGameShop Refuses to Refund Faulty Headset


Skip to 25:25

The show is called "The Checkout" by the two sane Chaser boys.

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  • +1

    He may have voided his warranty when he attached them to his vacuum cleaner and vacuumed the floor with them :P

  • +3


  • +3

    About ozgameshop.com
    Who are we?
    We are a UK based retailer of games, DVDs, Blu-Rays, gadgets, posters, toys and more!…

    Good luck trying to apply Australian consumer law to an overseas company.

    • Technically it does apply, but there's just no mechanism to actually enforce it.

      • citation?

        • +1

          Section 5 of the Competition and Consumer Act. Carrying on business in Australia is ridiculously broad and would (not that there's been a judgement yet) of an external business that is targeted specifically to Australians (I did some research on it once for work).

          But as I said it's all academic. It's not like the Govt has the power to send the ACCC after a company in another jurisdiction. Soveignty of other countries and all that guff.

          Interestingly, the UK govt seems to think the ACL applies too. A while back Ozgameshop did a bait and switch (long story). I was miffed so I emailed the UK authorities on the matter and their response was that as Ozgameshop sells in the UK (they acknowledged that they are located wholly in the UK), the ACL would apply to their actions not UK law. Personally I think that's a load of crap but that was their response.

  • +1

    This is the original video

    While they were just reporting on Jack not getting a refund from OzGameShop, it appears they didn't follow due dilligance of actually getting a statement from the company. According to OzGameShop's Facebook page:

    We're aware of the section on 'The Checkout' about Jack Yakovich's headset and we're happy to help him if he gets in touch (just as with any customer). We can't find any customers with the name 'Jack Yakovich' but if he gets in touch, we'll happily help him out.

    As per the video, instead of going to Ozgameshop, he followed the instructions in the packet to contact Turtle Beach. Turtle Beach are of no help unfortunately.

    Well, consumer law says to go back to the store, in this case OzGameShop. But…OzGameShop is not actually an Australian shop. Thus you have no Australian consumer protection. OzGameShop is based out of the UK.

    So neither OzGameShop or Turtle Beach have to do anything and OzGameShop says they haven't heard from Jack. I think The Checkout should have researched just a little bit more as it brings up some interesting points.

    In any case, The Checkout is an excellent show.

    • +1

      he does state virtually spot on 25:00 that he went to ozgameshop 1st.
      And - it is a youtube section, not investigative journalism. I dont think there is much 'due dilligence' beyond copyright (and possibly libel) obligations when it comes to playing somebody's youtube

      • +3

        It's a bit unclear. He states "he wanted to take them back to OzGameShop but they we re no help at all." Why? No answer, not accepting refund? We don't know. My guess is if he was able to contact them, is that he said there is static on my headphones, where they referred him to Turtle Beach as they might have a fix.

        not investigative journalism.

        If it was just the Chaser boys or Today Tonight, fine.

        But this is Choice, who is Australia's leading consumer rights organisation. The public expects unbiased and full comprehensive reviews from them. Also, this is the ABC who produces Media Watch.

        The key issue is that the presenter quoted Australian consumer law that you should get a refund from the place of purchase and that there is not an authorized dealer exception. That advice is incorrect as OzGameShop is not an Australian business. She goes on to say both seller and manufacturer are legally obliged to replace the faulty gear. Again, not true.

        Don't get me wrong. OzGameShop should replace the product. The average consumer just as The Checkout did, would assume something called OzGameShop would be Australian based. Unfortunately not.

        I'm not sure if the UK is like the US, but generally when there is an issue with a product, consumers generally always go to the manufacturer to sort issues out instead of the place of purchase.

  • Assumption is a seriously bad trait humans ought to work hard to eradicate…
    Until then I say deal with online retail scum with things like sql injection their site or DOS bomb it from a number of proxies using a rotating proxy mask to prevent trace-ability. The online equivalent of the threat of turning a shop inside out to a bastard retailer who you know is wrong but won't sort a purchase problem out. Both work well.

  • +1

    Never ever had an issue with OzGameShop and they always respond to emails via quickly. Surely if he contacted them they would have shown the email he received?

    No a huge fan of the show. Don't consider it much better than ACA/TT ambushing people in the carpark with spotlights and cameras and claiming the person is guilty because they won't talk on camera….

  • Same with me and a few people I know who have bought stuff off OzGS.

    One time I had something pop up was an item I ordered was out of stock, they let me know about it, refunded my money and gave me a $10 voucher to use on anything

  • +7

    Hi guys! It's been a bit of a difficult situation to get to the bottom of but here's the short version:

    We were made aware of an issue with this customer's order through ABC's programme "The Checkout". Through discussion with ABC, we are now in contact with the customer and have offered him a new (upgraded) headset.

    At the time of writing, we are waiting for Jack to get back to us and accept our offer.

    The problem with Jack's headset first arose in November 2011 however he didn't get back to us after contacting the manufacturer - now he's in touch, we're in a position to help him.

    ozgameshop.com is committed to customer service and we treat all of our customers with the utmost care and attention. We have many many satisfied customers and it is often the case that you only read about the seldom negative issues rather than the vast majority of satisfied customers. We are down to earth and approachable company as we hope most of you can testify to.

    I hope that cleared up the situation a bit but if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

    • Hi Adam, never doubted you guys tbh. BTW I buy from you guys regularly but have to say I was damn surprised this morning when God Of War Collectors Ed turned up exactly one week after ordering it! I've had one week turn arounds before from you but thought something this bulky may take a couple of weeks.

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