Under $600, it is worth posting here + you might be able to get extra $10-$30 off if you ask in store.
Sony Xperia Z @ $597 with HN

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Yeah true, what was the poster thinking! O_o
Use the code 'WELCOME5' for $5 off.
Wait for S4 coming out, prices will be even better.
The Mobile price war has started.
You'll never get these kind of price war with Apple iPhone.Ever since the nexus 4 came out at that bargain price, many of the android phones companies are cutting prices like never before. So $400 would be a ceiling price for many Adroid phones if they want to compete in the game. And that is exactly what Google wants it to happen.
Well we should wait until April 23rd to see what happens…
Though times ahead for Apple!
Though times are ahead for apple they know everyone would like a piece and chew them down.
Not as tough as for other major players because they have their own end to end echosystem. Apple is a software company and the rest companies are not.
Apple is a software company and the rest are not.
so they do.
Nah, apple have enough legions of people willing to pay full price for their stuff. Plus people getting them on contracts pay the same as high end android users.
Are these manufactured in Japan?
Hahaha, you're funny.
But really, are they? I even googled it and couldn't find the answer.
most likely china :)
per some guy on whirlpool:
"Samsung make initial batch in Korea then move it to their Vietnamese factory.
HTC make their phones in Taiwan and China.
Sony in China.""The thing about quotes on the internet is that you cannot confirm their validity."
- Abraham Lincolnlike the many brands in japan. all the samsung phones in korea are made in korea.
Koreans wouldnt buy them if it was made in china.
At the very bottom of my XZ "Made in China"
Same as mine. A very worthy phone!! Loving every minute of it!
Bought one from amazon uk for $630, feel like something is dying inside of me =__=
well, seeing as the xperia z price has already dropped under $600, no way im biting until its under $500 now…
Well I'm not biting till it's under $400 then…
well thats all well and good except it probably wont get much below $400 until the next generation of phones is released in 2014. its a matter of trading off between getting the bleeding edge…and getting ripped off. :)
Went to Telstra to have a play with it, they have the white one. Overall, the phone is pretty normal, it does not have the wow factor that makes you don't want to put it down. Maybe HTC One will be the one when it is available for demo.
Agreed. Feel a bit too light for my liking.
Also the concept of having glass panels on all six sides in the middle of the plastic is wierd. Loving my Lumia 920 though so someone has to convince me really hard to buy something else. Lets see what HTC comes up with :)
that's cause you can't throw it in water in telstra store
Maybe Sony put that waterproof feature in because they got used to so many people crying over their laggy phones lol (I own an x10, such a crappy phone!!)
the x10 was a phone from 3 years ago, you gonna use that to bench mark this…
Back then they were Sony Ericsson. They have since drop the Ericsson part and improve for the better.
what would you have to say to get the extra 10 or so? or would you just have to get the right employee and hope for the best.
"can you do any better than that?" - "is it less for cash?" - most staff will be more than willing to negotiate, im kicking myself for what i paid on release day, but i highly recommend the phone, fast, responsive, waterproof!
Water resistant actually, 1m for 30-40mins.
same as xperia go/active although everything else is better on xperia z
Just wondering, if I dropped it in, say, a 1.5m pool, does that mean it would be ruined by the time I picked it up?
Yes but it would be water resistant for less time. You would have to pick it up within 20-30 minutes.
The deeper you go the more pressure in on the phone. Its best guess as to what will happen.
They said the same thing about the Motorola Defy. That ended up being little more than splash resistant.
I doubt the warranty covers water damage, in which case its best not to go swimming with it.
I love my Xperia Z. Paid $624 for it, but hell….it's AMAZING!
me too.
+1 mortium.
I paid $650 for it and loving the phone. Been able to use it in the water us amazing.
For those you who want to buy the phones, the texture for the casing in white and black one are different. White one doesn't attract too much scratches compare to the black one.
I don't think so. I own a black one myself and when I saw the white one in telstra store, I'm glad I didn't take it.
The White texture look kinda cheap to me. ;A;
Tossing up between this, HTC One and Galaxy S4… if only one of them came with vanilla Android I'd get it for sure.
Just use Nova/Apex launcher.
Interesting, first a HTC One deal now a Sony Xperia Z deal - competition is ramping up. Let's hope the S4 i9505 hits decent pricing quick (and a proper Aussie outright one, not some bodgy import)
Does it really make much of a difference besides warranty? I'm happy to save $1-200 for an international model
When it's only 60$ sometimes, it makes a massive difference if you're that 1/50 person with a faulty.
Had a HTC One in my hands today (I work for Telstra) beautiful phone, great build quality.
Feels and looks better than the Sony Z, which is saying something as Sony did a great job with that phone to make it really premium.I was a bit meh when I finally had a feel of the XZ, the "premium" feel had been talked up way too much on the internets.
I also can't get past those damn flaps. How are people dealing with them day to day?
The XZ has flap too? @@
It's really annoying, but at least the Z have water resistance ;_; . I can wash it with water and soap whenever I need it
It's recommended by Sony not to use soap water only
Thanks for the comparison of Sony Xperia Z vs the HTC One.
How about a comparison of Xperia Z v Nexus 4? Nexus feels quite premium but it would be nice to get a comparison with the Xperia Z.
australian version of gs4 will be the snapdragon 600 quad core not the EIGHT CORE! seems like the eight core is for 3g only while the snapdragon 600 for lte..
http://www.cnet.com.au/samsung-confirms-snapdragon-cpu-for-g…And this is relevant in this bargain because…?
I'd personally wait a month for the S4/HTC One to arrive and for this to drop to ~$500.
Now people can justify importing it vs waiting months and months for a lesser model.
Played a white one in Telstra shop yesterday, nice phone with attractive price. Funny thing is the white one feel more plastic than black one.
Do anyone here still get the die-while-sleeping problem after update?
Not that my stupidity should influence anyone's purchase, but i had mine for a week, accidentally dropped it on the road from a height of about half a meter and shattered the front screen. Been told its $355 to fix it….in a month when parts are available.
Dropped my old Galaxy SII about 50 times and nothing… That Gorilla Glass ain't all its (get ready) cracked up to be. :)
The gorilla glass is strong against scratch but does not it won't break if you drop it? Same thing happens to diamonds when you can hardly scratch it but it is still breakable.
I'd heard the opposite - GG is meant to be very resistant to shattering but prone to scratches.
You are right, GG glass is resistant to shattering but more prone to scratches.
But Sony Phone does not use GG.
I dont know what the two guy above you are talking about.That was an assumption on my part. And supposedly it does have gorilla glass, on the back, with Dragontrail on the front. Or so google tells me. Either way… DONT drop your Xperia Z!
Does JB HIFI price match outright phones ? i have a gift card i wanna use :(
??? What are you all on about?
The xperia Z screen comes pre installed with a plastic screen protector which is actually a shatter proof protector to help it resist drops and stops cracks shattering.
And same with the back glass
So that plasticky feel of the glass IS plastic :PAnd for the people that are doubting to get the XZ, stop and get it!
Sony have really stepped up their game after pretty bad android phones in the past.
The longer you have the phone, the better you realise it is.
It is VERY durable, I dropped it from 2 metres, tried to catch it at around 1.5 metres, failed and ended up pushing it to the ground with more force… It bounced twice, the first time about 10 cm. I was crying because either knew it would be cracked
But no, it wasn't! Was so amazed
And there's many USEFUL features, unlike Samsung's unuseful gimmicks imo.
If I were to choose between XZ and HTC One, I'd go XZ.
I personally prefer it and the camera will below your mind in certain photos. Close ups are VERY good, long shots are mediocre though.
Small apps is such a good exclusive feature (it's a mini app that comes on top of the already opened app e.g. Open a calculator over a browserWaterproof is so awesome to show off too
And cbf writing moreIt aint waterproof buddy, you have talked me out of buying one
Yes it is Water Resistant nor Water Proof. Still a good phone IMO.
Haha yeah I've done that body slam thing when trying to catch my dropped phone too lol. I always use a case though, but a case doesn't work too well with the port flaps on this thing.
After using the 2 previous generations of this phone, and being sorely disappointed with updates and general support of the phones. also the flaps are tough but annoying.
Taking calls whilst surfing, doesnt happen as much anymore :)
I wont be buying the z, sick of flaps and apparent toughness. Wonder what happens if you drop this thing on a surface like gravel etc.
Here is an interesting test on toughness for the sony xperia allbeit the first gen of water resistance.
Anyone know where it is possible to get the purple one? Have been ringing around the usual (JB, HN, DS) brick&mortar and none of them stock it
Only via Telstra online, unless you grey-import it from overseas. Even Sony Australia themselves (or Telstra shop for that matter) can't sell the purple one…
IIRC Telstra online only sells the purple on a plan and not outright. Good luck hunting it down.
FYI I bought my black one for $590 @ Dick Smith. Prepare for fierce negotiations and lots of walkaways before you get a good deal (some reps won't budge on $624 intro price).
Thank you for the advice. I rung up Telstra shop near mine and they had it. Went that night and picked one up outright for their regular shelf price 624. Loving it.
Tossing up between S4 and Xperia Z… At this price, i just might get the Z lol