Immediate download of 17-track album in your choice of high-quality MP3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire.
Tracks include:
1.Main Title 01:08
2.Spiral Mountain 02:22
3.Grunty's Lair 04:10
4.Mumbo's Mountain 04:24
5.Treasure Cove Trove 04:12
6.Clanker's Cavern 04:13
7.Bubble Gloop Swamp 04:25
8.Freezeezy Peak 04:16
9.Gobi's Valley 04:29
10.Mad Monster Mansion 04:18
11.Rusty Bucket Bay 03:59
12.Click Clock Wood 04:59
13.Grunty's Furnace Fun 04:33
14.Credits 03:54
15.Final Battle 06:16
16.Banjo Overture 03:32
17.Nab Nut 03:59
And a wave of nostalgia hits me… so good.