Sony XPERIA 9.4" 32GB Wi-Fi Tab (SGPT122) $324 @ Sony Centre
Sony XPERIA 9.4" 32GB Wi-Fi Tab (SGPT122) $324 @ Sony Centre

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That was 16GB version
No 16GB was selling for $269, 32GB was selling for $349
Thanks for the clarification!
Can someone who purchased this last time give some honest feedback on what it's like? Or did they all end up on eBay?
If you still have not get a tablet yet, it will be worth it before you can get hold of a Nexus 10.
But I would presume most of the ozbargainers should have or already have one or more tablets already. And this one is just a newer one coming late to the market.
I have the older version and the only reason I bought this over the Samsung, in fact I have both a Samsung tab 7 and 10 as well, is this one comes with the Infrared which you can use to control your appliances.
So, if infrared is not important to me and i have no tablets how would this one compare with the Samsung tab 10?
Specwise, better.
Sony one looks much better than samsung and since it is newer, it is more powerful.
Yeah I was waiting for a new deal on a Tab 2 10.1 but this is very tempting. Infrared not important to me, but I guess pay about $50 over the tab for quad core versus dual core? Any other major differences??
I would say the sony would be lighter than the tab 2 10.1. BTW, tab 2 10.1 is about EOL, I would not bother to get one unless it is real cheap.
AFAIK, up to last Dec, the sony is not rootable. Not sure about now. The Samsung is always rootable.
I bought Tab2 10.1 lately but don't quite like it. Screen resolution is disappointing. Some small font website character can be blur. Even facebook app displays funny. Touch screen is over sensitive and scrolling is not smooth as expected. This is my first andriod tablet so not sure others but comparing to ipad2 I still prefer ipad2.
I have one from the previous mentioned deal (my first tablet), and I am happy with it, the only drawback is I got the 16gb version,
I use it for video mostly and a few website, not too many apps as yet (mostly due to the limited internal storage) I have to be picky
I purchased the hdmi connector to connect to my tv.
Battery life is good never had a problem with it
Current os version ICS is a bit buggy, have seen 2 crashes (out of 40+ hours of use)
Next version Jellybean is months late,I am tempted to get the 32gb version and pass my one onto my partner
Hope this helps!
It has a full size SD card slot if you need more space.
Only issue I can find is there is no guarantee it will get JB upgrade.
only for files & video,
Apps cant be installed to the sd card without rootingyea they have been promising the upgrade for months, from memory the last thing I read was it will be updated at the end of April, if you believe that..
still I have found little issues with ICS, other than the two sudden reboots, both occurred whist I was using the default browser, haven't have a problem after installing different browser
A friend of mine bought one and I got to play with it a bit. Screen quality very good, build quality was quite impressive. The body has a shape called "book design", which I really like. It allows you to hold the tablet very comfortably in your left hand in portrait mode (gives your fingertips somewhere to hold on to, so it doesn't feel like it will slip from your hand like other tablets). My recommendation is to go to a Sony centre and have a play with it. I think it is a very good buy at this price point.
Wait for next version which will be compatible with PS4.
Do you have a link so I can read up on this?
I'm currently looking for a new tablet. Currently leaning towards and iPad but I would be happy for any excuse not to get it. I will most definitely be buying a PS4 so I would love to read up on what a tablet will allow you to do
No such thing yet. It's just pure speculation right now. In any case, you'll still have to wait for maybe 3-6 months after PS4 is released before a PS4 integrated tablet is released.
Buddy, I dont have any official Sony link. But search for "Sony EyePad". Sony has registered patent for dual screen tablet few months ago.…Lol eyepad
runs off to register eyephone
I just got my 16G version which is on back order during the last promotion and finally the order got fulfilled last Friday. I have been playing with the Tablet close to a week now, my personal experience with the tablet so far has been good.
1)It came with infrared and the remote program where it has most remote functions for most brands appliances loaded. Just choose the brand and type of appliances and off to go, it can also learn the functions of particular remote.
2)Built in GPS and Bluetooth
3)It can take SDXC card, which allowed the memory to be expanded with additional 64G or 128G memory card.
4)Seems to have a good battery life. With about 5 hours continues browsing, YouTube and setting up the tablet, battery is still half full.
5)It came with the closure for the multiport and SD card slot to make the tablet splash proof.
6) Quad core processor with 1G ram, the operation of teh tablet is very smooth so far, no lag.However,
1)The multiport is a pain, in order to use the HDMI function, I have to buy a special multiport to HDMI cable from Sony.
2)2 of my friends have commented about the design at the back is not flat with a black strap that make it looks like a stand.
3)Still waiting for the 4.1 Jelly bean firmware to release which has been announced, finger crossed.
4) 9.4" screen instead of 10.1, does make a bit of a differentThanks for all that info. So it does have the infrared remote function, unlike what someone else stated, to wait for the next version for the remote function (I aint bothered aboutPS4 function).
Very tempting, but I am guessing this is in-store only, is it?
The Sony website sucks. Where do I get this from? Is there a link somewhere?
I want to get it.I assume it's in store only like last time
Ok Thanks.
My only concern about getting this rather than something more popular (eg nexus, galaxy) is the availablility (and cost)of accessories. Particularly, hdmi adaptor, dock, and case (possibly with keyboard) particularly given its non-standard size.
Isn't the Xperia Tablet Z coming out very soon?
Yes, hence they are clearing Xperia S tablet at half the price.
Where doe's the advertising come from?
The reason i ask is i just rang the brisbane store and was told it was $344. Could of just been a slip of the tongue/honest mistake as i didn't querie it yet.
Is this better than the samsung tab 2 which is $299?
From my limited research. Yes. Probably. But it may depend just how annoying you are going to find Sony's multiport versus having decent universal connectivity on the tab2.
Just paid the deposit on one, thanks OP!
Last time this deal appeared, I called up about the 16GB, they had them in stock, went in to have a look at one, and they were sold out, only 32GB left. Thought this was a bit too far to stretch for something that I didn't think I REALLY needed, so walked out. A week later I was kicking myself, because I thought that I would have prefered the 32 anyway (at which point they were sold out anyway), have been looking on eBay for the last week, and found it for 370 delivered, was going to order it over this weekend, but then this came up! Thanks again, made my day!
For those that grabbed one, I spent the last few days looking for accessories.
BHPhotovideo were the cheapest that I could find, however I ended up going with just a few generic bits and bobs on ebay.Please help, anyone else getting this? (copy and paste from another forum)
I (n baackgrou d wtf: cursor Went To Here As I Was typing At The Bottom) just bought one of these I am having issues, can anyone suggest what this might be?
I have various videos loaded onto it, some MP4, some AVI, (some 480p, some 720, some 1080) and most of them the picture stutters (sound does not) it seems almost steady and constant.
FYI, these videos are normally played off my PS3 and play perfectly, any suggestions?
Edit: alsO having issues W Text Input. there is heaps of lag, I have To type Really slowly Becausse it either inserts extra Letters or misses Some andd then Ranomly Inserts Cappial letters too (can You Tell I Am Using It Now?) Weird Thing Is It makes A ticck to indicate it has registered The Input When It Miises a lettr…
But Text Input Is Annoyingly Slow… What Can I Do?
Also Text Selecction (highlighting to copy for example) sometiimes completely screws up, one of the binding arrows will sometimes jump around with no input from me. sommetimes when I Move The Arrow It Jut Dosnt Respond, Or Juumps back to where it was. I Knnow this can sometimes be brought on by A Dirty screen, but have trieed cleaning it to No Avail.
also, while I Amm typing This Thhe screen is scrolling up and down from the top of this text inputbox Too whee I am Typig. How Do I Stoop it jumping around like this? So annoying!
Additional information: I only Evr Tpe in Chrome, No Apps Runing Inn. Back Grouund
More info: I am now in the standard browser and all text input issues seem to be gone…. what is wrong with my Chrome?
Even more info: I uninstalled chrome updates, and text input seems to have fixed itself… whats the go? Afraid to do another update…
$25 cheaper than last time