This was posted 11 years 11 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Electric & Electric Bass Guitars - $98 JB Hi-Fi (+Delivery)


Whoa, bargain!!! Jumped on BOTH of these earlier this morning after considering buying an Electric Bass Guitar to learn on/muck around with only last night.

I first stumbled across the 'ION Guitar Learning Pack' for $98, did some further research and found it to be a really good unit… and not just for absolute beginners either! Read the reviews here but please note they refer to a different pack that includes an Amplifier but the Guitar itself is identical:… The ION website has more detail if required too: For $98 and with local store pickup available I was sold then & there but I then went hunting around for my original desire, the Bass Guitar.

I nearly fell off my chair when I found the 'Factory Scoop' Bass also for $98 however it is 'online only' so I had to pay $18 extra for delivery to Brisbane. Here's the JB link to the Bass:… These things are selling elsewhere for $249, score :)

So yeah, from what I can tell the 'Discovery Guitar' pack includes a USB cable and software so there shouldn't be any reason I can't use the one cable/software for either/both guitars. If either/both guitar end up being a POS then I'll be disappointed but not too worried as I'm sure I'll get $200 worth of pleasure from smashing them into an old CRT TV screen while watching MTV or spraying them with lighter fluid and setting them on fire Hendrix style :P

Enjoy… but don't expect too much out of the JB site at the moment! It was grinding to a halt earlier and I had to keep refreshing pages and clicking the back button etc. all the way through the checkout process. I have no idea how much stock is available so I recommend you jump in quick to avoid missing out.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • -1

    It does seem like a good deal, however I have absolutely no expertise.

    What I wanted to post was that I like the info on the JBHifi Bass page.


  • You can probably add that some acoustic guitars are on factory scoop sale at that price, too.
    Here's the link for it:…

  • +3

    +1 for description

  • Great effort with the description!

  • Damn these things are getting cheap. Is it cos of the 'Made In China' effect?

    • +2

      exactly. this is the china stratocaster - deluxe craptastic studio edition

  • Good price for the bass guitar.

  • +2

    Got it for $78 couple of days ago, $98 is it's normal price.

    • Yeah, only realised that when I saw the price history after I posted the deal… but the Bass Guitar is definitely a certified Bargain.

      • +2

        Yep, a bargain - however I hope people aren't rushing out to buy because it's been on sale since the 12th of this month for $78 twice already.…

        • +1

          Wow, well there you go! So can I ask why you didn't post these earlier?

        • +4

          I feel bad posting bargains from the 3 companies that my website lists. Every time I do I feel like I'm shamefully advertising for myself!

        • +5

          as long as its a bargain, nobody cares if you're advertising for your self. ;)

        • +1

          @Gecko - we are already linking to MildSurprise for most OW/JB/HN product deals. Feel free to post deals if you spot one.

  • +1

    Jebus JB do the Paul Reed Smith SE Custom semi-hollow for under $500.
    That's great. This is THE guitar for an intermediate player I reckon.……

    • +1

      Yep, if you're looking to buy wait for them to do another "Musical Instrument sale" - I noticed they went down to $397 this past weekend!

    • They were selling it for $399 including shipping a few months back. Sold out quickly, then reposted it back on their page for the current price. I'm glad I got it for cheap then.

  • Have to wait until it hits $78!

  • +2

    I play Air Guitar.

    • +11

      What brand? All the air guitars I've played are crap.

      • +3

        Maybe take that as a hint, crap in, crap out.


  • +1

    Must resist!

  • I literally can't find one review on the Monterey Mbe-40tr, literally nothing. Although it seems cheap i have a feeling telling me to stay away.

    Also those plastic looking pickups have me worried.

    • +2

      If you're a serious musician, stay away perhaps, good for beginners or people just wanting to experiment or film their band's video clip where they have to smash a bass guitar.

  • Anyone know if this'll be good for the game Rocksmith? Just bought a ps3 =)

    • +1

      Steer clear of the "Ion Learning Guitar".

      I bought it for Rocksmith (have a 2nd realtone cable). I bought the guitar, the game had major difficulties detecting whether it was a guitar or bass and tuning it was a nightmare. I got it tuned, then went to play a song and it was out of tune again.

      I've got an el-cheapo plastic six-string that came with a game called "Power Gig", even that stays in tune and works better.

      I took it back for a refund. It may look alright, but it's garbage. Only marginally lighter than the Epiphone Les Paul Jr. that came with the game, but in terms of sound quality and build quality, not even close!

      • +1

        Any recommends on a suitable guitar for Rocksmith? I've only been playing it on my bass but wouldn't mind having a basic 6 string to play around with more suitable tracks on there.

        • Works with most guitars that are not acoustic, it can work with acoustics with a preamp but they have issues with volume input still.

          Grab a squier telecaster/strat or epiphone sg/les paul - even a les paul jr if you want, i know JB are selling the packs with it and I've seen harvey norman stocking some les paul jr's by themselves, dont remember if its cheaper tho. Price range is usually 280-500 of the ones I've listed, jr's are considerably cheaper.

  • Gonna wait till it hits $78..

  • +3

    If you're serious about learning guitar, I highly suggest looking into a higher quality instrument.

    I'm not being negative towards OP, this is a bargain and is posted as such. I'm just making the point to absolute beginners that are looking to learn, invest a little bit more in something a bit better in quality. Depending on style (electric/acoustic) you will most likely find many things annoy you on a cheaper instrument:
    - Cheap tuners which mean you'll often be retuning
    - Poor fret work, such as sharp edges, lack of a proper dressing, fret buzz
    - Cheap electronics, particularly pickups, resulting in a sound you don't like.

    There are many more issues that could arise but to make my point, you might find yourself hating so many things about your new guitar that put you off properly learning to play the guitar, whereas if you had a better quality beginner's instrument that doesn't frustrate you, you'd be more inclined to play.

    A good example of a beginner's instrument is the Fender Squier Bullet Strat. They can be found between $80 - $160, depending on new/used, seller, retail store/online etc. Inspect the instrument first if possible to check for any flaws, as with any major purchase, but assuming all is well, you have a great beginner instrument that lacks most the flaws of cheaper, similar guitars. You pay a fraction of the price for a guitar that resembles the high grade Fender products and you can always upgrade parts down the track as the Bullet takes most MIM Fender parts.

    Admittedly that won't include an audio interface to connect the guitar to your PC to use modelling software, but you can pick them up cheap from Jaycar, online etc. Heck, I even have a few laying around from when I've bought gaming headphones over the years.

    If you want an all in one solution to dip your toes in the water without having to dick around though, then this might be an offer for you. Thanks OP.

    • I agree, I'm iffy about calling it a deal, because you can easily get cheap no-name guitars everywhere. The three points shadow has bullet listed are the main issues with cheap guitars (and a guy in the comments above mentioned having tuning issues with this specific guitar, it's the worst thing ever.) I'd grab a squier strat/tele or epiphone sg/les paul lp-100. Obviously they are all in the 280-500 dollar range though. I think you can get squier strats/teles for 280 if you look around a lot.

      • Even buy second hand or see if any friends have old guitars laying around. I know tons of people who own guitars but never play anymore. Find one of those people and make an offer.

        I'm not trying to bring down the bargain, but its the same as I wouldn't recommend a car to someone who is trying to learn, if that car occasionally stears hard to the right, accelerates randomly and makes weird noises. It might be a decent car overall, but its quirks would make you not want to drive it.

        • Whats your opinion on the bass guitar shadowfax? Could you learn on that too?

        • My first bass was a shitty $50 no name thing off ebay. Again, they can have many of the same issues but for just learning on, it wasn't bad. With that said, I got a better quality bass within six months because little things about it annoyed me.

        • I'd still rather get a squier P/J affinity bass for 240.

          But hey, I'm sure its not that bad, just be prepared to kick it to the curve if you find yourself actually wanting to keep playing bass rather quickly.

          Other than playing my brothers EB-0 copy, my first bass was a factory refurb epi thunderbird I got off ebay for 330ish (includ delivery) from the USA and I still have it today.

          Note that if the "electronic - computer learning" software stuff is what is really interesting you here, Rocksmith is probably going to be better and will work with nearly all guitars/basses.

          BTW I notice JB are selling hercules guitar stands for 38, if you have a long-scale bass, they are teh best.

        • Alrught thanks mate. I did some digging on amazon and found this -
          roughly 180 shipped to Vic. The bullet strats arent eligible for Aus :( . Found this too with an amp.
          Might need some more research

        • Yeah any new guitar from squier/epi/fender/gibson will usually not ship to Aus, I'd be really surprised if you could get any of those guitars from Amazon. Then theres the problem with the size, usually they will take the neck off and you can't do that with all guitars/basses cos some go all the way through, it also makes it hard for a newbie to set it up correctly. Sometimes (rarely) customs also get them and fumigate them which adds another hundred bucks to your price tag.

          I'd check out shire music, I think they are in sydney somewhere, they seem to be pretty daymn cheap. Theres also kosmic, who are in perth I think, if you hail from WA, I'd just go there cos their stuff is only like 30 dollars more. Both do shipping relatively cheap. Check out the squier affinity strat/tele or epi sg/lp-100 if your after cheap guitars or squier p/j bass or the epi eb-0/3, OR the musicman sub, if you are after cheap basses. The bad news is you'll prob have to spend around 250-280.

          I don't really know much about bullet strats? But I see them on kosmic for 150 bucks. They might just be squiers super entry level guitar (like the epi les paul jr), so I guess if thats what your after/you are really keen on saving that money (as all ozbarginers are) it will probably be fine.

          You can also check out gumtree of course, see whats around locally, or do some local ebay searches too.

        • Note I checked out cash converters today where I live in Canberra(sadly), they had a few bullet strats and an epi les paul JR for around 180ea.

          They had a affinity strat for 220.

        • The ones I linked ship to Aus cos i checked the global shipping option, added to cart and check delivery, which was about 70 bucks. Steep for shipping, but its still cheaper than cashies apparently lol, and its new.

        • I think a starcaster is also a beginner guitar, like in line with the bullet straats/LP jrs, don't know much about them.

          Remember what I said about running the risk of customs wanting to fumigate it and charging you an extra 100, it hasnt happened to me before but on the whirlpool forums people have complained about it happening from time to time.

          Best of luck with however you end up getting it.

          Make sure you grab rocksmith when you do, its a great self learning tool.

  • WOW!! it's good. I was looking for one. What are the dimension. Has anyone ordered it yet? If someone can leave their feedback about actual delivery, that would be great. :)

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