This was posted 11 years 11 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

SimCity Limited Edition AU$26.96 from Origin India (Download Only) + FREE EXTRA EA GAME


Paraphrased from this forum post with a couple of my own additions:

Get SimCity Limited Edition for AU$26.96 (if using a 28 Degrees Mastercard or other zero currency conversion fee card) from Origin direct (well their Indian online store anyway).

This should be the cheapest available price around (see forum discussion for comparison).


  1. If you have an existing Origin account, go to and change your country of residence to India. Now close and reopen your browser.

  2. Click through to: the Indian Origin Store and find SimCity Limited Edition.
    It should show the price in Rupees (1499 of them). If not, you've done something wrong. Add it to your cart and proceed to checkout.

  3. Enter all your details as per usual, except have the country set as India (should only show countries from that region anyway).

  4. ???

  5. Profit!

Order confirmation email took about 20 minutes to come through but the game appears in my Origin account instantly.

(btw, you can play it in English)

I forgot to mention, your purchase will come with another free EA game

The good news is that SimCity is a solid hit in all major markets. The consensus among critics and players is that this is fundamentally a great game. But this SimCity is made to be played online, and if you can’t get a stable connection, you’re NOT having a good experience. So we’re not going to rest until we’ve fixed the remaining server issues.

And to get us back in your good graces, we’re going to offer you a free PC download game from the EA portfolio. On March 18, SimCity players who have activated their game will receive an email telling them how to redeem their free game.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    अच्छा मूल्य!!

    Now just hope they won't ban you from online play when you switch regions…

    • +21

      That's assuming you can even get online and play the game…

      • +4

        actually all the oceanic servers are fine now. No need to bring up the launch issue :). I've been playing since yesterday morning and everything was perfect

    • +2

      "Online play" of course meaning "singleplayer" ie playing anything.

  • +1

    What are the chances that EA will try and ban me if I do this?

    • With all the bad press from the Simcity launch, i doubt they'd try cause any more bad blood.

      • Hopefully that's the case. I've just ordered it so hopefully the email will arrive soon.

      • +24

        You seem to have not heard of electronic arts before.

        • +1

          Maybe the last time he heard or bought from them was when they still had this company logo..

          That was the EA everyone used to know and like.

    • I've been using an Indian Origin BF3 Premium without troubles for over a year. Bottom line: I am sure they'd prefer you pay $100, but I think they are glad to have your money anyway.

  • +20

    Limited Edition here may mean you get to play it a limited amount

    • +5

      Don't be an idiot, people might actually believe you.

    • +2

      There is also a SimCity™ Digital Deluxe Edition, with British, French and German Cities, for 2,499 rupees.
      So the irony is that Snail might be right in a way.

    • +2

      Do you think the DRM server will be maintained online for 100 years? For all we know the Internet might be superseded in 20 years.

  • Not working for me

    • Where did you go wrong?
      Because I just purchased it a few minutes ago

    • Same here; tried clearing cookies etc, I keep being redirected to the AU store instead of letting me use the IN store.

      • Ok, try making an Origin account first, set as India and then trying.

        • +1

          Just worked it out; needed to make sure I was logged in with my Origin account (freshly set to IN) when visiting the store. Worked fine.

          Just a shame Origin IN doesn't accept PayPal

  • +2

    This makes me wonder, if the Indian store is this cheap are there other Origin stores which would be even cheaper?

    • +2

      Mexican store is $499 MXN (so, ~$38AUD)

    • +2

      (at time of checking)

      Russian store is $38
      Singapore store is $50.83

      • thanks. Looks like the Indian store is easily the winner then!

      • +1

        South African store is $43.04

  • +4

    Hey guys,

    Had the same problems before (being redirected to AU site and price).

    Went to the original OzBargain forum post and original link and it works fine.…

    Enjoy! All credit for the link to the original poster, scytherbladez.

    • Thanks, updated. I was trying to be too smart.

  • +3

    Sounds like trouble :/

  • +3

    big +1 from me… was UMMing and ERRing over this game.. $27 has pushed me over the edge… love it!!!!

    • My exact thought process

  • +5

    So has the OP or others who have taken advantage of this deal since switched their account back to the Australian store? Any adverse effects? I'm very interested but don't want to jeopardise my games collection if something goes awry

    • Thats what I'm wondering as well. And furthermore, will it need to be set to India when getting the free game.

    • no adverse effects yet..

  • How much difference does a 28 Degrees Mastercard make?

    Also, what address did you all use?

    • same address cept sub india in the drop down box.

      28 degrees card just has no conversion fee

    • A few percent. Usually between 1.5 and 3% depending on your card.

    • 50 or so cents.

    • Bunch of numbers on GE Capital's Mid-Market Report June 2012 - maybe somebody can work out what they make.

      Edit: Oops I thought you were asking how much 28 Degrees makes… nevermind.

  • +1

    How about an AusPost Load&Go Visa?

    • should work fine

    • Any credit card will work, with the usual currency conversion fee payable (if any).

      • Yep, just checked and looks like it'll total ~$27.86

    • yep
      your hacked paypal/black market funded/untaxed income loaded credit card is fine to use

  • As much as I hate EA and their business practice, I wanted SimCity so bad… :(

    So I bought it! :P

  • Thanks op! Worked a treat :D

  • +2

    I got this email Origin - Your Order Is Being Reviewed :(

    • :S That's odd.. I received a confirmation mail..

      • unlucky I guess.

        no game on origin as well.

        "You will receive another email with the details of your order within 48 hours."

        so they take my money and I need to wait. yay…

        My guess is because I had an existing origin account.

        • No email for me as yet but literally a minute after purchase, when I load the actual Origin program on my PC the game shows up and I can download :)

    • Dont stress. Others got that too. it jsut means your order is talking a bit longer.. The original guy on whirlpool waited 2 hours for his so youll be fine :)

      • arrh thanks for the info.

      • +1

        UPDATE: review over finally got order confirmation.

  • Anyone checked if online multiplayer works fine?

  • Ordered 5 mins ago, just got confirmation email.

    "Thank you for ordering from Origin Store on 10 March, 2013. The following email is a summary of your order. Please use this as your proof of purchase. If you paid by credit card, please look for EA * on your credit card billing statement."

    Cheers OP!

  • Is simcity 5 coming to steam?

    • No, Its a Origin exclusive

      • So disappointing!

  • Is this game worth it or another over hyped DNF?


    • This one also includes 'Plumbob Park', whatever that is…

  • im kind of confused. ive got a commbank debit card that i use for buying online though i dont really know if i can use it and not get huge fees? anyone know>?

    • I got charged 9c in fee's with nab debit card so I doubt it will be much

    • i got the same card and i only paid $27.01

  • Thanks. Seemed to work. Downloading now

    EDIT: paid by nab debit card and got charged $27.05 so hardly any fee

    • Won't the fee generally come out the next day? That's how it use to be for me when I had a CC that had international transactions fees. I have a card now that doesn't so I can't remember.

  • oh wow, i screwed up.

    The link that OP posted wasn't to the actual product for $1,500. I paid for the deluxe edition for $2,500 = $45aud.

    Sucks badly, definitely not the deal I wanted.

    • It's Rs 1500 ;)

    • just pretend you never saw this deal.

      45 for Deluxe beats 48 for limited anyday!

  • "When paying by credit card, the billing information should be exactly as it appears on your credit card statement."
    Er, so what happens when we put in India as our country?

    • Says "should" does not say "Must" or "Shall"

      I have bought almost all my games from Indian or Mexican origin. Never had anything happen.

      I have even contacted origin and asked if I could use a VPN to play games before release. They said it was fine.

      • I'm sure they can stop people buying from other country's stores if they REALLY wanted to. My guess is that there aren't enough people doing it to affect their revenue by much and it may bring more negative publicity (which EA seems to love!)

    • Nothing, its fine

      • Right, thank you; ordered and downloading now.

  • -1

    seems to cost $2499 for me. Also, when I logged into origin I saw the free game. It's called pumblo park or something like that.

    EDIT: ok, my bad I was looking at digital deluxe, not digital limited or whatever it's called

    • Sounds like you bought the Deluxe Edition

    • You clicked the wrong version, there are two available.

  • How do the servers work?

    • +5

      They don't.

  • Bought with Commonwealth Mastercard - no issues: $27.01. but im sure the CBA international transaction will come through for 50c or something when it clears.

    Servers have been working much better apparently - EA are still a bunch of jerks when it comes to DRM…

  • I was biting the bullet and going to pay $59 from the US store, thank god it kept glitching and didn't go through.
    $27.01 with my Commonwealth Debit Card. WIN

  • +2

    It worked, got it for INR 1499, thanks heaps OP! Wanted the game but was tossing up between this and HOTS…now I have both due to price.

    —> becareful that you buy the LIMITED EDITION, not the DIGITAL DELUXE edition, there are price differences as the guy above me unfortunately found out about. Reading comprehension is important guys

  • How are you entering the billing address country? There is no option for Australia.

    • ok, never mind. set it to india as per OP :)

    • Lucky for me, I just entered my Indian address! :P

  • +1

    You love india now :D

  • Just tried and I am currently downloading the game. Thanks OP and related

  • Amazing find.. thanks cooni! use my no fees citibank visa debit! sweet!

    • I thought Citibank charges fees for overseas merchant transactions??

      Bloody hell someone should put a clear wiki page about Citibank, I get so many mixed answers on OZB.

      • i have a citibank plus account with visa debit and yes no foreign transactions fee. you should go to citibank directly to confirm not on a wiki page

        • I have one also… so i'll just ask you.

  • How does the license work? Can you install on more than one pc?

  • +1

    Bought also. Painfully slow download speed though.

  • I keep getting Payment Authorisation Failed

  • +6

    So tempted. As much as i want to play this game.
    I just dont wanna support anygames with online DRM!

    Great deal though.

    • You can demonstrate your protest by paying 75% below Australian retail price :)

      • +6

        I can also 'demonstrate' by not giving them a cent of my money due to their bullsh*t DRM.
        If there's enough pressure they might crave in and give us an offline option!

        • +1

          Good On you!
          Hold hit em where it hurts their wallets!
          Sure would like to play Deadspace 3 and ME3 though but there are lots of other games out there.

  • Just tried this and can confirm it's working. Game is downloading now.

    For those wondering why the initial download is only 268mb, heres something I found on another forum:

    "Just to confirm for those not familiar, once you've downloaded the initial 268MB through Origin you can start the Game and disconnect once the SimCity screen comes up and it will download using your local connection, thus' quicker. "

    • +1

      Not all that much quicker unfortunately.

  • That's great! Thanks a heap Cooni! I was going to buy it from a cheap cdkey retailer, but getting it from the source is just perfect!

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