Yes. Which telecommunication company would you avoid in Australia?

Please help me to find a BETTER telephone company. Desperately need Internet connection for my child to do his homework as he is behind at school because Optus would not fix the faulty connection.

Only with Optus for 5 months with many issues from start. Renewed in Jan after reading from Ozbargain re getting a fetch TV.

Optus denied ANY responsibility to ensure your HOME connection works. Optus says its line works in the main exchange and any further is none of their business as I signed a 24 Months contract with OPTUS.

Optus threatened me with contract that substantial exit fees for both my Internet and phone.

NOW with. No phone No Internet connection. Optus still takes $$$ from my bank via direct debit and denies any responsibility. I am STUCK. My child is suffering and behind in homework.

After over 50 calls to Optus, I have now accepted no help from Optus.
I do not know what to do and hope Ozbargainer can give some advice.

Thanks in advance.


  • +1

    I empathize with your plight. I have the same issue (line connection) but with another Telco/ISP - TPG Naked ADSL2+. But i think i am out of my contract now.

    @eatwell365: Is your physical connection an Optus owned line or is it like my issue a Telstra owned line from house to street/exchange?

    • Telstra owned. Optus rented the line. I explained a bit more on below. Thx.

  • My apology for any typo as no Internet connection and using my phone. Cheers

  • +10

    Eatwell, you should be talking to the Telecommunications Ombudsman

    • ^This…STAT!

  • +1

    I'm on IInet's Naked Home for $70 a month, free local and national calls via VOIP, cheap international calls, and 200GB bandwidth download allowance. No line rental and no mess. Call your bank and get them to reverse the charges on your account, then close that account and open another one. That will stop Optus (horrible company) dead in their tracks. If you are on a 2 yr contract, you'll need to break it, probably paying a hefty fee to quit.

    • Agreed. i live Iinet. Iinet offers great customer service. I was once an Iinet customers. 24 hours support. Only to our block, any telco must hire a Telstra line. Thus Iinet cannot supply naked phone and only supply ADSL 1+. Cost per month becomes $70 plus $35 line rental.
      I am ready to flick Optus even have to pay $500. Will call TIO if not heard back from Optus next week.

  • +4

    Call TIO today !!!

  • +2

    Get in touch with the Ombudsman. Become an OzBargain hero! :)

  • +5

    Are you SURE that the problem isn't with your own equipment? Have you tested your modem at someone else's place, or tried a new modem?

    You haven't given much detail on why the problem must be under Optus' jurisdiction and not in your own stuff.

    On the basis of the little investigation you seem to have done yourself so far, you're lucky you're not with Exetel. They would have shot your dog too.

    • +1

      also check that all your wiring and cables are correct

  • +4

    Assuming that Optus are at fault, get on their Facebook and Twitter pages and complain. This will get a better and faster response than even the ombudsman.

  • Either Optus are at fault and the TIO will sort it out or they aren't and you are misguided. Either way, the problem can be solved.

  • +1

    Children need Internet for homework now???

    • Started from Year One. Mathletics.

  • Sorry i did not mention more before as i do not want to bore you.

    Summary as below.

    All was working well until one day. The fault was first noticed when relatives complaint can't call in our home phone but calls can ring out.. Then noticed the iPad browser was redirected to an Iinet website ' when we are Optus customer. Reason for redirection was that the username and password to iinet was incorrect.' Same happened on other laptops. It was as if my Optus line was incorrectly connected to another company. Called Optus and their Customer service asked if any of my family member 'ported' my line to another company. Shortly after reporting the fault to Optus, my phone line was no longer working and my Internet cannot connect to server. I was promised Optus would follow up and called me back personally in two separate occasions and no one called back for over a week.
    Then I called again. Optus booked a Telstra technician to check the line outside a secure block. The Strata manager was kind to lead the tech to the mainframe exchange and offer to the IDM but tech refused.
    Called Optus again as still not working. Optus has the tech advised the line was tested to be connected
    Ok to the exchange. For which is the service boundary. Optus denies any responsibility beyond the exchange for ALL OPTUS CUSTOMERS. They do not have to ensure your phone or Internet work in your home. Optus insisted either I pay or Strata pays for a private technician. Contacted strata who refused to pay. Called iinet which is very friendly and helpful but no record of service on the block around the date of fault first noticed. That is how I was stuck.

    Fact was that the line was still connected when I reported the fault to Optus. Ie nothing wrong with the line from exchange to my home. Line was cut off after the fault was reported. Regardless, it seems someone has connected my line to others. The only people who can have special keys to access the exchange and IDM room are the technicians from telco. Now Optus wants customers to pay so the same people who stuff up can make more money for doing private job. One must wonder if this can be a sabotage.

    Anyway I just hope the phone line and internet back on so my family is not punished.

    From my experience, Optus was nice and quick to pick up the call for new sales. Once contract was signed and issues arises.. 'Sorry, that's too bad'. Go to Optus community and read how many thousands.

    Singapore government should shut Singtel Optus down like Gordon Ramsay shut down the dodgy kitchen.

    Good night.

  • For your information. Optus promised complaint department would get back to me within 48 hours. Guess what - another no show. Yes Optus's Zoo.

  • +1

    you have already been told the answer: fill out the complaints form at the telecommunications ombudsman idustry (tio) and let them deal with optus. people here have already told you to contact them, if your going to ignore what they tell you then dont ask for their advice.

    this sounds like more of a telstra problem anyway. telstra charged me for 6 months for a phone line they never connected. tio sorted them out.

    • Sure thing. I am a person of my word. Optus says they will deal with the complaint with 48 hours. I give them the opportunity. Will talk to TIO if not hear back from Optus by COB on Monday. Thanks.

  • +2

    TIO, TIO oh and did I mention TIO.

    • TIO nickname - The Integration of Optus? The Extension of Optus Customer Service? Any more suggestion?

      • Read this somewhere.

        TIO was nicknamed Extension of Optus Customer Service because Optus has so many complaints, TIO sorts all these mess from Optus customers.

        My apology if I wasn't clear.

  • Think to share a bit more In case any Ozbargainer wants to sign up with Optus (from my own experience)

    Some service provider I used like Telstra and iinet looks after the phone line to your phone. Optus looks after the phone line ONLY to the exchange outside and this is their boundary. Any issue beyond will leave you out of pocket and to sort it out.

    Very nice tune when selling the contract. Play hard ball as soon as there are connections issues from Day One. Been threatened with contract and hefty exit fee. $500 for both phone and Internet bundle in my case with 23 months contract to go. I would be threatened if I am still young as a high school student with little pocket money.

    Minimum 10 business days from signing contract to start connection, so new customer like you and me lost the statutory right to change mind within the cooling off period. Too late to find out when you have slow connection.

    Slow connection, drop out connection from Day One. Multiple calls before fixed.

    Average wait time 20 min to 30
    min to speak to someone in India most of the time. No call back service like Iinet or Telstra.

    Always promise to call you back when issue but 90 percent in my case did not hear back.

    Advertise 24/7 support service. It gives customer like me the impression to believe 24/7 for service difficulty support. It means 24/7 for new sales and automated service.

    Optus uses lots of private contractors, unlike Telstra with own staff. is that the main reason so in denial and reluctant to fix the Telstra hired line because of cost $$$? My line was suddenly connected to somebody's line. Optus is asking me to pay for a private contractor to fix. One of the kind stuffed it up the first place.
    No wonder my private contractors' friends make loads of money and always busy. Sabotage the line and gets paid again by you customers to fix it.

    Give Illusions to customers on advertisements that Optus is as cute as the Animals. What could be true is that Optus does run a zoo.

    Written to Singtel this morning to help this poor cousin's issue in Australia.

    Optus threatened me with contract and exit fee.
    I will return in kindness with new blogs and updates after talking to TIO tomorrow.

    PS. Pardon me for any typo or poor. I have no Internet connection so was typing on the phone.

  • +1

    Your service provider is at least responsible all the way to your home.
    If Optus supplied the modem then they are responsible for that also.

    However "Internet doesn't work" needs an explanation, has Optus tried troubleshooting your connection?

    Actually I remember someone on Whirlpool having a similar problem. I forgot the solution though (I'll edit if I find it).

    I think (this is just a faint memory) the person has an iinet "bob" or something plugged in to their modem.

    It was handing out DHCP leases and redirecting the traffic.

    If you have VoIP this might be the cause of your call problems too.

    Unplug any iinet supplied equipment - restart everything - try it.

    iinet have a netPhone perhaps it is plugged in incorrectly or configured wrong.


  • Thanks for your comment.

    Optus repeats many times their boundary is only to the MDM, an exchange somewhere outside my home. Outside the exchange is none of their business and ask me or strata to pay for a private contractor.

    My phone is a real phone not VoIP. Also using Optus modem.

    Just an update- Optus Complaint Unit did not call me after 5 days when promised a response within 48 hours. Some media department calls me today but offers no solution.

    Optus sanctioned and moved my post, as well as other customers' complaints from the Optus Community Forum. What is the freedom of speech? Optus airbrushes their forum to make people think how customers focus they are. Not.

    Found below link to TIO and will file the case tomorrow morning:

    • What is the freedom of speech?

      1: Does not apply to you commenting on a business site.

      2: Does not apply in Australia at all.

      I still struggle to understand your problem, I hope you can clearly explain the situation to the TIO.

  • Hobou30, ummm you are correct. My situation was like the links you sent. Only my connection was cut off only after reported the fault to Optus.

  • Quick update and conclusion on this thread - Optus staff are limited to its policy. Understood. Released my contract (ie no cancellation fee). Went to Telstra. Telstra came for installation and checked the line making sure it worked to the phone. Not only the exchange outside. At the end, it was clear that the line to my premise was removed from the exchange room. A technician came to tag someone else line, broke my line by mistake and left it broken. The technicians are all contractors. The more line they disconnect and reconnect, the more money they make.

    • In that situation I'd be fighting for a refund of all money they charged you after your first complaint.

      • Good point. I received a cheque of $160 approx.

  • -1

    I say avoid Dodo like the plague.

    • Dodo is fine IF it works properly in your area, and IF you never need customer service, because there is none.

      We haven't had much trouble with them in probably around 10 years or so. On our recomendation my daughter got it in Brisbane and had no end of trouble. It seems there's good and bad with all the carriers.

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