This was posted 12 years 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox Live Ultimate Game Sale - Games on Demand Titles up to 85% off


Saw this on Major Nelsons Blog and some good deals to launch it off

Week Long Discounts

Day 7: Fighting Games

Day 6: Games

Day 5: Games

Day 4: Call of Duty Games

Day 3: Resident Evil Games

Day 2: Assassin's Creed Games

Day 1: Halo Games

Note: If you don’t see the discounted price, try again later as the price drops are rolling out

From Link:

Starting February 26, 2013 and running through March 4, 2013, over 60 Xbox 360 Games on Demand titles will be on sale up to 75% off with some as much as 85% off for the “Xbox Ultimate Game Sale”*

  • Assassins Creed
  • Assassins Creed 2
  • Batman Arkham Asylum
  • Batman Arkham city
  • Bioshock
  • Borderlands
  • Borderlands 2
  • Brotherhood (Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood)
  • Call of Juarez
  • Call of Duty 2
  • Call of Duty 3
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
  • Code Veronica
  • Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements
  • Dead Island
  • Dirt 2
  • Dishonored
  • El Shaddai Ascension of the Metatron
  • Fable III
  • Fallout 3
  • Fallout 3 New Vegas
  • GRID
    D1 - Halo 3 Was $49.95 now $9.95
    D1 - Halo 4 Now $59.95
    D1 - Halo : Reach Was $39.95 Now $9.95
    D1 - Halo Wars Was $69.95 Now $29.95
  • Kane & Lynch Dead Men
  • Left for Dead 2
  • Max Payne 3
  • Metal Gear Solid HD
  • Metal Gear Solid Peacewalker
  • Mortal Kombat
  • Mortal Kombat vs. DCU
  • Orange Box
  • Portal 2
  • Raccoon City
  • Rainbow Six Vegas
  • Rayman Raving Rabbids
  • Resident Evil 4
  • Resident Evil 5
  • Resident Evil 6
  • Red Dead Redemption
  • Revelations (Assassin’s Creed Revelations)
  • Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution
  • Street Fighter IV
  • Street Fighter X Tekken
  • Super Streetfighter IV Arcade Edition
  • TC’s H.A.W.X.
  • Tekken 6
  • Tekken Tag Tournament 2
  • The Darkness
  • The King of Fighters XIII
  • Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
  • Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
  • Tomb Raider Legend
  • Virtua Fighter 5
  • World at War (Call of Duty: World at War)

Content availability and pricing may vary by region

Mod: Not a duplicate. Forum post announced that there was a sale without prices thus undetermined to be a deal. This post lists prices and is considered a deal

Ill do my best to update as these deals release

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • up to 75% off with some as much as 85% off

    Otherwise known as up to 85% off :P

    These look like (they could be) some pretty good deals though, maybe rivaling Steam sale prices and such.

    • I was hoping for those kinds of prices, but these aren't steam prices. non-sale steam prices maybe but not sale steam prices. I bought bioshock 1 and 2 with spec ops for like $10 on steam a month ago :S

      Bioshock 1 is around 6 years old!

  • Dupe

    • O'Rly?
      Dont see any other posts about it?

      • +5

        It was definitely posted here within the past week, perhaps it was taken down but I recall the post being made.

        edit/ there you go, looks like they decided to move it to the forums

        Thanks for the neg though whoever done that ;) tastes good, nom nom nom

        • +3

          Yep that was my post.

      • +1

        Was posted yesterday just no prices had been released yet.

  • H3 is a bargain.

  • +1

    That Halo: Reach is the cheapest ever

  • +2

    Thanks for the effort of posting this. It's a shame that these are daily deals… would have been nice for them to all go on sale at once.

  • +2

    For two player actions, should I get Halo 3 or Halo Reach?

    • +4

      They're both great, you could honestly flip a coin.
      I'd probably give the nod to Reach, but only just.

      • +2

        Thanks ill get both!

    • +1

      Halo: Reach is definitely better for a co-op experience; the environments are designed around having at least one person back you up at all times, and there's always the spaceship gimmick in the middle of the game.

      Halo 3 has the vehicle race at the end though, which makes it all worth it.

    • +2

      H3 is a better game for sure.

  • +1

    Halo reach is good deal

  • -5
  • Awesome prices on the Halo games!

  • +1

    Sorry, I'm new to XBOX, after buying the Halo games, I can download the games from XBOX Live at any time?
    Is there a monthly fee of $5 for XBOX live? Or does this only apply to playing Halo online?


  • Keen on halo wars but its $30

    • Not any more. I just looked, and it's $9.99.

      • No, it's still $29.95 for Aussies. I bet that's the US price

  • +1
  • Dirt 2: $ 4.95

  • Grid shows as $19.95 for Aussies.

    • +1

      $4.99 USD and $19.95 AUD,
      You know what they can do with that price.
      Something that a duck can't do, stick their bill up their (o)

  • Aussie XBOX Marketplace: Rayman Raving Rabbids = $2.95; the Darkness = $4.95; Dark Messiah = $2.95; Kane & Lynch = $4.95; Call of Juarez $4.95; T.C. GRAW = $2.95; T.C. GRAW2 = $2.95; Virtua Fighter 5 = $4.95. Halo Wars have changed to $9.99 in the US site

  • @ Talibanana

    you were saying that once you buy can redownload them at anytime…

    do you mean if you buy them from this sale through xbox live or any disc bought can be redownloaded if you lose the disc?

    because i was thinking of purchasing backup copies for halo3/reach incase but not if u can redownload for free!

    side note: who think xbox 720 will be backwards compatible?

    • No if you own a disc copy of a game you cannot download it for free in the future, you must actually buy the digital copy of the game from the marketplace to do that.

    • I suspect the 720 might be backwards compatible but I guess we'll find out when they announce it.

  • +1

    New Week long deals added, some good under $5 games

  • Just purchased Dirt 2 for cheaper than its supposed to be… 320 MSP. Only 80 points cheaper than its supposed to be, but still a further discount. I'm sure this will be fixed soon.

  • +1

    The above links are en-US, hope the games will work on an Australian XBOX?

    • +1

      Just change the 'US' letters in the web address to 'AU' and you'll get the Australian marketplace.

    • The ones on the Blog should load as AUS as they are generic links, if your getting US links you need to review your region settings, all of them show AUS pricing for me

  • +1

    Picked up The Darkness, HAWX and Rainbow 6 Vegas for a total of 640 MS points. Not bad, thats about $7.80.

  • +1
  • Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffttt 60 bucks for a virtual copy of Halo 4 that's locked to your live account and can never be sold!

    Buy a physical copy here for $44…

    what kind crap sale is that?

    • 1 game out of 19 is badly priced… so the whole sale is crap? While the rest are 75-85% off.

  • +1

    Some of the week long games are showing 2.95 when advertised as 4.95… And when you switch to ms points instead of points, it becomes cheaper again… 160 instead of 240… Just bought virtua fighter 5 for 160 points.

  • Hi, recently got the XBOX 4GB from MLC, how will the Halo games work if the downloads are already more than 5GB?
    Do I have to also get an XBOX external hard drive? :(

  • Was interested in Tomb Raider and El Saddai. Shame they're US only.

    Mind you if I buy them via my US account they should play no problems right? Bought XBLA games like Walking Dead in the past on the account so there's no reason On Demand wont work in the same way? I did once attempt to buy GTA SA on Demand and it wouldn't work on an AU Xbox but this may have been becuase it was an Xbox game not a 360 game.

    • Same experience as me. Xbox 360 games download fine through my US account… but I once tried to buy an Xbox original game (Psychonauts) and I had all sorts of troubles.

  • +1

    Day 2 (US prices)…

    Assassin's Creed - 800 MSP ($10.00) - 50% off
    Assassin's Creed II - 800 MSP ($10.00) - 50% off
    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - 800 MSP ($10.00) - 50% off
    Assassin's Creed Revelations - 1200 MSP ($15.00) - 50% off

    • Assassin's creed 1 & 2 have dropped to $9.95 in the aussie marketplace

    • Can you give us the link please.

      • +1

        Updated post

        • Thanks and much appreciate the amount of effort you put in updating the links. Cheers.

  • +1

    Day 2 isn't that good cuz of Ubisofts regional pricing for AUS games :(

    • Wow, Brotherhood is $9.95 in the US marketplace and $39.95 in the AU marketplace… talk about a bad exchange rate. Revelations is a newer game and is half the price.

      • .

  • Resident Evil 6 Was $49.95 now $9.95

    Not sure if price error however for a game which is kinda new that's a good buy :D

  • RE6 is great price for $9.95. Think its $20 in the US marketplace.
    Does anyone know if RE6 supports the xbox kinect (or PS3 Move)?

  • will keep an eye on this one

  • +1

    Shame about El Shaddai!

  • Why are there so many good prices?! D:

  • It's COD day today! Black Ops for just $2.95! Check the xbox marketplace!

  • I just called the Mrs who was having a nap at home to wake up and grap Black Ops for me.. she was unimpressed.

  • Black Ops 2 is $79.95? What a joke.

    • +1

      Agreed, it's the only one I was wanting for and you can go into a retail store and get a hard copy cheaper.

  • Can someone post the other prices of the other COD games on sale (not that I'll likely buy them). Can't see the Xbox site at work.

  • COD 2, 3 & MW2 are $9.95, the rest are either above $40 or no price tag. Hope that helps

  • missed halo reach!!! NOOOO

  • Updated COD

    Hit up the Price error while you can -

  • Sooooooo…. now I've bought some games, any good deals on consoles atm? :)

  • Thanks for posting, bought 4 games so far.

  • Hell yes! It's that time again!

  • Game's that I am waiting for price to go down

    Borderlands 2
    Dead island
    Left for dead 2
    Max pain 3

    • …or 600 MSP each

      • Also on sale:

        Batman: Arkham City - $19.95
        Borderlands 2 - $29.95
        Dishonored - $29.95
        Portal 2 - $19.95
        Red Dead Redemption - $19.95

  • Just got Dishonored. Very happy at that price…

  • +1

    Pay via points, because I think it's glitched again. All the new sales are: per $9.95 equals 600 MSP… but it should be 800 MSP. For example, Borderlands 2 is $29.95 in the US marketplace and $29.95 in the AU marketplace… but 2400 points in the US marketplace and only 1800 MSP in the AU marketplace. Makes these prices even better.

    • +1

      The point prices are based of how much it costs to buy the points from Microsoft, so if 1000 Microsoft Points = $16.50 then 600 points = $9.90 so you save around 5c, not glitched. So these deals are only cheaper with points if you paid less than Microsoft's asking price for the points in this region.

    • +1

      Also bear in mind that the US pay less for points so for it to be the same price in both regions there would have to be a difference in points paid so borderlands 2 is the $30US and $29.70AU so still slightly better off but nothing to write home about.

      I have found this site really useful for making these conversions:

      • +1

        Yeah, sorry, my mistake. I guess if you buy points through ozsave, then it makes it cheaper (i.e. below, AdrianR) than the US.

    • +1

      You can get 800 points from Ozsave for $9.69, making it ~$21.80 for Borderlands 2 and Dishonored.…

  • Is it possible to buy and play El Shaddai on an AU/PAL console?

    I know it's US only but when I tried to buy it from my Xbox on my US account it said something like "This game does not match the region of your console and will not be downloaded. You have not been changed". I know some people who did the same for The Walking Dead and it worked fine so I don't think all US content is locked, so maybe it's just game specific.

    They bought it from the site though rather than from the Xbox so that could be why :P. I know it's only $3 but I don't want to risk losing it for nothing!

    • There only is a problem with game on demand games.
      all arcade games can be downloaded from other regions.

  • -1

    Dead Island is great for online coop. Ashamed you have to fork out for the Xbox GOLD Live (unlike on the PS3) :-(

    • -1

      And then when you do pay for 'Playstation GOLD' they give you a bunch of free games every month :)

  • +2

    Quick link to aus prices…

    Arkham Asylum is not listed but currently 9.95 au. Is that normal or did they forget to list it?

  • +1

    what happened to fallout 3?

    • Probably will be in tonight's deal. (It's released US time remember.)

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